Friday, October 31, 2008

She's baaaaaaack....

Did any of you catch the feed on That's the same link you can use every Sunday to tune into the blues jam, btw...every Sunday after 5:30 you can go to and at some point, you just might see me do my thing.

Did you see my "little Obama"?? How cool was that? Sorry about the beginning...The video feed locked and all you had was the principal's behind and the boys' audio. Whoops. We corrected it pretty easily. I hope to have a DVD soon and I'll post what I can out on google video for you all to see.

The funnest part - after the debate ended, the candidates shook hands, they came into the audience and shook hands with the principal and then my little Obama "walked the line" - he walked down the bleachers shaking hands with all of the was so sweet to see...the kids were climbing over each other to shake his hand shouting "Obama! over here! Obama!"

I, of course, had my promo gear out and ready - I had signs from the campaign, buttons - and stickers that I handed out to Owen's classmates.

The vote, however, is skewed at the elementary school level. People who like Owen will be voting for Owen and people who like Noah will be voting for Noah. A Republican friend of mine revealed to me that at their dinner table the other night - she asked her son who he would be voting for...he said "I'm voting for Owen - I don't like Noah." "So you're voting for Obama??" she asked in shock. "Yeah, I'm voting for Obama."


Everyone thought Owen did very well - he knew his answers well, he didn't speed talk, he made eye very proud. One teacher was talking to my parents afterwards and told them that he believes there isn't anything can't do. Fantastic. Love it.

I think Alex has a girlfriend and I don't know what to think about that. And I think he's getting even taller. I think he'll be pushing 6 ft by his junior year. Oy. More money to spend on pants. He's finally taking his mother's advice and listening to more Rush these days - the brilliance of Neal Peart is something I've been trying to tune him into for years...but now one of his friends said it was cool and YYZ was on Guitar Hero, therefore he downloads Moving Pictures immediately. Asshat.

More to come. I swear.


Anonymous said...

Wow two post in two days ... How in the world could a young drummer not discover Rush and the "Doctor" Neal Peart before now? Well, at least he is listening to Moving Pictures so there is hope.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Rush. I am married to a devotee so I have my fill...Spirit of the Radio has always been my fave.

Rebecca said...

Omar - I KNOW!!! His judgment has been clouded by Disturbed and System of a Down and some other such stuff. I've been trying to yank him into The Who and Rush for sometime now. Finally it's caught on.

Spirit of the Radio is fine...but I've always been partial to Tom Sawyer, YYZ and The Trees. There's trouble in the forest, Eileen, TROUBLE.

Anonymous said...

Well being a car guy that I am. Red Barchette is #1 and I enjoy La Villa Strangiato too. Also I lean to the older longer songs like The Necromancer or By Tor and The Snow dog. If anyone knows the story about the last song I would be impressed.