Speaking of voting...I'm posting some pictures of Owen as Barack Obama from the debate on Friday. Remember to click on any image to enlarge it!
The set up at the school (see the laptop and the camera that put us live on the internet??):
The candidates and their running mates (And Mrs. K, who made the whole thing happen):
Barack telling us all about it:
I'd love to post the pictures of he and Senator Biden walking the line and shaking the hands of their constituents...but I know we have at least 12-15 kids at Lincoln who absolutely cannot appear on the internet, but I don't know who they are, so I can't post them here.
Oh these are priceless. That last one...could his eyelashes be any longer or thicker. I'm jealous...He's beautiful Rebecca.
He's Oven.
He IS the oven...and getting more toasty as he ages, I'm afraid. Girls of all ages are taking notice which means I am in t.r.o.u.b.l.e.
My only saving grace is that he's completely oblivious to his ovenness. With great power comes great responsibility. Oy.
Eileen - isn't it so fun?! I was so proud of him! I wish I could post the pics of him shaking hands with all the kids at school...priceless.
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