Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm going to buy a copy of 'Catcher in the Rye'...

Know what I mean? Good - because then I won't have to go into detail about the old Mel Gibson/Julia Roberts movie 'Conspiracy'.

You'll notice a new link to the right of the blog. Many of you have already probably started rolling your eyes at me (I'm looking at you Julie, Jimmer, Doug...maybe even Tigger and KatMat)...actually everyone I know who reads this blog is probably rolling their eyes at me. Except for maybe Tiffany...and Laura if she's out there and reading.

ANYWAY...I'm more and more bothered by 9.11 and the continuing wars being waged in it's aftermath. And there was a link to this website from Rickey's website and I got curious. And I watched. And I am amazed. There is an article in Maxim magazine on this very subject as well. Kev-head was kind enough to point it out. There is NO WAY the events of 9.11 happened the way they said. There's just no way. Take a trip out to the site, watch a couple of videos...see what you think for yourself. Some of it is a little hyped up for my taste...but the data, and the physics behind what they're saying? Well, that's a little more difficult to swallow.

1. Objects fall through air faster than through concrete - how is it possible that the towers collapsed in 8.4 and 10 seconds respectively? The other floors would have caused resistance which equals TIME.

2. Why did no one cover the other explosions? The explosions in the basement and other floors of the towers? Why would planes crashing into the top of the towers cause explosions in the BASEMENT?

3. Steel doesn't melt at temperatures where people can be seen STANDING where the fires were supposed to be. See the video of the Madrid fire. Burned hotter and longer and was still standing. Days longer. Fires don't burn that hot in minutes. Most of the jet fuel was spent in the initial explosion.

4. Why did they remove the rubble so quickly? Standard investigation practices were not even followed.

5. No commission to investigate for over a year. It's only been a few months since Katrina and we've had SEVERAL commissions on this.

6. Why oh why did NORAD stand down? And WHY was Dick Cheney running NORAD to begin with? (For the first time in the history of NORAD) Go up in a plane and veer off course, see how long it takes YOU to get run down by F-16's. And we're supposed to believe that they never, even after these commercial planes were MISSING for an HOUR, scrambled any jets??

7. Don't even talk to me about building 7.

8. Why did they lie about "not ever being able to fathom that someone would fly planes into a building" when admittedly our own military had been acting out that very scenario for 2 years?

AND last (you've all stopped reading now, haven't you?)

9. The only reason this works is because they are relying on the American people to refuse to believe that their own government would wage war against them for their own gain. Are we really so arrogant to believe we're above it?


Anonymous said...

I'm reverting back to your very first post so keep that in mind when I say this. Shut the Fuck Up...You and Steffen should hang out together....

Rebecca said...

Did you watch it, Jim? You have to watch it before you tell me to shut the fuck up...that's the rule.

Anonymous said...

I watched about 25 minutes of it. How come there are no conspiracy theories as to why President Clinton let O. Bin Laden get a way while he was in office?

Rebecca said...

Sure there are - lots of people blame Clinton, too.

But he wasn't running NORAD when no one stopped the planes.

And he didn't stand at a microphone and tell people to ignore the conspiracy theories.

And capturing Bin Laden then would have meant a long standing treaty with Sudan and essentially forgiving any terroristic sanctions placed on them. Capturing Bin Laden then didn't exactly come without strings.