Thursday, March 30, 2006

Takin' what they're given cuz I'm workin' for a livin'...

PIZZA! I love pizza. Gel's is my current running favorite. When I have any old pizza, I might have a slice or done with it, whatever. When it's good, or even GREAT pizza...I graze and graze and graze and eat pizza and breadsticks and whatever else they have to offer.

My friends Roger and Holly are opening a pizzeria in Demotte. Family Pizza. I am very excited about this. Their comparison for good pizza is Barton's in Highland, which I have never had, but I hear it's excellent. They invited us to their place last night, pre-opening day to get a sneak preview of the pizza to come. It is WAY different than anything else near us and I hope they do well. (So do they!) I loved it. The crust is fantastic and makes an excellent breadstick. The cheese is really great. They've got a cinnamon roll recipe for dessert that they let me try a couple of weeks ago and it is FAB. For some reason, I've got this rep as being a measure for what good food is...I wonder how that happened? HA. No, I think they were just looking for input...and I was happy to give it.

Which brings me to my point. They are putting themselves out there. They are trying to start their own thing, their own business. How scary! And awesome and fun and exciting. They decided their store hours, they can decide to close when they want. They are their own bosses. Right now there's just a 4 person crew, and they've been making complimentary pizzas for all of the businesses in the area to get them on board. GREAT marketing plan if you ask me. They officially open for business at 4pm on Saturday, April if you're ever in Demotte and craving pizza, please give them a try. 987-7472.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rebecca you forgot one thing. "This blog is being brought to you by Family Pizza of Demotte." Nice commercial...I'm only kidding.

Good Luck Roger and Holly and if you want to save money on the business insurance, give me a call.