Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I'm a shoe-a-holic. I love shoes. I love looking at shoes, talking about shoes, shopping for shoes, thinking about looking and shopping for shoes. When I turned 30, I made a conscious effort to be a 'girl.' Some of you might think that the boobs should have clued me in a long time ago, but the truth is I've never been a girly girl, and never been good at TRYING to be a girly girl. But then I turned 30. And I realized I'm not a girl, I'm a woman. I can wear heels with jeans and red lipstick and lots of fun jewelry and change my handbag every day if I want. This is what A LOT of women do. And I like that stuff (*gasp*). Who knew?
Which brings me back to shoes. To talk to my husband, you would think I had 50 pairs. Let me assure you, I do not. (seriously, honey, I don't) I've discovered I love heels. And I do not, under any circumstances (despite what Betty and Kathy say) wear uncomfortable shoes. I don't believe in it. Say hello to my little friend:

What's your super-secret or maybe not so super-secret addiction? Spill the beans, it's confession time.
Side note...My man Taylor is the man to beat on idol! Well, Taylor and Chris (who is smoking hot no matter what my husband says) and Eliot - did the girls even sing last night??? It's all about the boys on AI this year!
Hmmm, how to approach this. Well, I too, love to go shoe shopping. However, I'm quite sure that we are not talking about the same thing. Shoe shopping is synonymous with going to the strip club. You sit there and their shoes are right at eye level so that you can inspect them, among other things of course.
This may help to keep your male readership.
As far as addictions there are many. Aside from the normal ones (24, Beer, and women)there is one. I'm addicted to Rap Music. There I said it. I feel much better. Thank you Reb...
Don't worry about the male readers, they should accept a brief moment of insanity and come back later. THE SHOES, what can I say, except that I was honored to be the first to lick them.....I am glad you have only had a few years of girly girl stuff, try living it your whole life....it gets rough not to mention expensive. And land of confusion, yes it is....
What is my super-secret addiction? Umm. Let's see. I too like a cute girl purse. But considering I have a grand total of four, I don't think that qualifies. Honestly, I am going to have to say zip lock bags. Well, "ziplock" as the household term, not necessarily just the ziplock brand. In fact, I am so not a zip lock snob. I will buy any brand. Whatever is on sale and lots of them. I remember one fine day at the Sam's club when I saw a multi-pack bundle for $9.00. SCORE! I got like 160 zip lock bags in different sizes for dirt cheap. The zip lock is so handy and can be used in many different ways. You can't beat'em when you have leftovers. Or when you need to pack a few baby wet-wipes in your (cute girl) purse.
A few years back my husband went on a fishing trip with some buddies. I put together a few things for him... all in zip locks. Asprins, bandaids, snacks, change for poker, Advil (they were planning on drinking a lot), soap, and other odds and ends. Everything fit nicely into his bag... thanks to the zip lock.
He did take some slack from his buddies for this. Those nasty, unorganized boys.
I prefer the ones with the little zipper on top. They are just easier. But most resently I've been buying the *NEW* double zip
ziplocks. Talk about secure!
I have almost a whole drawer in my kitchen for the ziplocks. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that. Ok, so my secret is out.
Seriously, Julie, you almost made me pee my pants!!! The peeps surrounding me in cubicles probably think i'm a total freak right now for laughing out loud to myself! never ever ever in all of my 26 1/2 years have I read such a long descriptive on something so insignificant, yet, CLEARLY important!!!! I declare you win the Laugh Award of the day!!!!!
Bear with me while I get used to this new thing called blog...whatever...I was supposed to barf out my super secret addition. Well, it's not so much purses or girly bags, but, for me, it's goint through OTHER peoples bags. I love it, I love to see what other people carry, what the bags smell like (usually gum), what shape their lipstick is in. This goes way back for me. I got in loads of trouble from my Grandma. It's not that I am trying to steal something, or catch a naughty secret, or anything like that, and I NEVER go through a bag without asking first, but there you have it. My super secret addition, next to my crack addition.
Julie is a gem, that's for sure. And I can personally vouch for this addiction of hers...I guarantee that if you stop by Julie's house, unannounced, at any given time she will have no less than 5 boxes of zip locks in that kitchen drawer, different sizes, different types. It is a beautiful thing.
Thanks Tig!
If you stopped over today, I would only have 4 boxes. But I do have 5 different types. Gallon, Quart, Sandwich, Snack, and a little one that is about 2 inches by 1 inch.
The tiny one is left over from my beading days... it's a great size for a necklace, a couple of asprins or tums, coins. A household isn't complete without them.
Hey Jimmer... what about SPORTS?
I know! I just sent him a guilt email. He responds about SHOES and not about BASKETBALL??? There's something wrong with that boy.
Basketball Masktball. With Jim it's Baseball that's the real addiction.
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