I like how in the west, it just says "baking" - and this is accuweather talking!!!
Holy crap was it HOT this weekend...I mean Africa hot...sweating in your ass crack, swoobs HOT! And I usually don't sweat, ask Julie, she thinks I'm a freak of nature.
Great weekend! Great visits with my girls...
Friday night found me at a jewelry party with my FORMER fellow employees - Tigger and the Pea - it was so great to see them and chat and have cocktails. Oh, and there was jewelry. And I'm having a party in August. And you all have to come. So there.
Saturday night was birthday dinner with my girls - July is for Julie and Jennifer. Dinner on the porch at Popalano's. Which didn't seem like a completely horrible idea at the time, despite the heat. Mostly we were fine, but Julie ordered friggin' red wine and THEN complains about how she's sweating to death. Ummm, YEAH...red's gonna do that to ya sistah! Kathy, believe it or not had never been to Chesterton before. Seriously? Seriously! So we left the restaurant and hoofed it down to see Julie's work of art in Thomas Centennial Park.

To continue Kathy's tour of Chesterton...we went to Flannery's. And surprisingly enough Jimmer wasn't there. HA! He was on a date...go Jimmer!

We retired to Julie's house to chat it up...until 12:30 am...GOOD TIMES!
Love my girls...Jen's b-day is at the end of the month, so think good thoughts for my girl.
I leave you with this:
Tina, you fat lard, come eat your dinner...
Umm, were going to need about 5 more napkins please!
Julie - THAT was hilarious! I had forgotten about that!
Nice note left on my monitor by Rebecca from Saturday night. However, I liked the leprecaun that was drawn on the white board in my office the most. He's cool.
Didja like that? We're funny.
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