Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's my bicentennial!!

200 posts, babies...2-0-0...Oh 200 zero zero party's over oops out of time...

AND it's my birthday week!
AND there are motorcycles or 4-wheelers or something backfiring at Yeah, there's a motorcycle dealer behind my building. Every now and again they test drive the 4-wheelers by peeling out in the empty parking lot right outside my window. Nice.

So Tuesday was my birthday - congrats to all of you who were on top of your game and calling and emailing BEFORE I posted and reminded the world that it was my birthday. And for those of you that forgot - well - you suck! No, I'm just don't were just busy, I get it. You ran out of gas, had a flat tire, didn't have money for cab old friend came in from out of town, someone stole your car, there was an earthquake, a terrible flood...locusts! It wasn't your fault! Better luck next year.

I went for a mani and a pedi with the lovely Laura - who also forgot, but was quickly reminded when I called her to go get our toes done. AND she paid for the mani part of my mani/pedi. Brilliant! Thanks Laura!

Yesterday found me in so much pain I couldn't turn my head. ugh. Back to square one. WHY??? Why am I in pain? What did I do? Is it the new fake Coach shoulderbag? Am I paying for crimes against name brands? Or shoulder straps? Was it the extended ride on the bike with the Kev-head on Monday night? He did hit a few choice bumps that I felt in my hair that night...yeouch. Was it the pastry-filled bowling bag stress? So I went and got a massage. This girl had magic in her hands, I swear. I *heart* Natalie...I'm not afraid to say it. Lemme sign my new name. Mrs. Natalie. Mrs. Rebecca Natalie....

Now TODAY I have a hair appt. Hooray! I'm going to be a brunette by 4pm. Double hooray! The problem? I can't really move my head...and there's that whole leaning back in the sink thing when they wash your hair. I'm not sure how that's going to happen exactly. One girl here at the office suggested I wheel over a hospital bed like contraption and they can just push a button and elevate my whole torso to the sink. Ummmmm, yeah...I don't think they have those at my salon. So I improvised that idea and decided they should wheel those massage chairs over to the know, the kind you kneel in - then I could just be face down in the sink instead of face up. BRILLIANT. Can't you just see me as they rinse the dye from my hair as it runs all over my face...instant tan! Two-for-one combo platter...I'm a genius.

So mani/pedi on Tuesday, massage Wednesday, hair appt. Thursday...what should I do tomorrow for my birthday week???


Anonymous said...

get a facial OR a colon clenzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Colon Clenzzzz? Where do you come up with these things Pea? Where ever they come from I'm sure it's a disturbing place.

Rebecca, did you have to go to the Blues Brother's website to get that quote? Am I the only one that put that together? I bet I am.

I think you should take yourself out to dinner or something like that tonight. You certainly don't want to cook, do you?

Rebecca said...

I don't know, Jimmer - the pea is just good like that.

I did have to look it up to remember all of it.

I don't want to cook - but tonight is just grilled cheese and tomato's gourmet organic tomato and red pepper soup...but I still just have to heat it up. Good times...