Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is that a sock in your backpack or are you just happy to see me?

Owen strikes again.


Last Friday night, Tigger was at my house and for some reason I was going through Owen's backpack. I pull out the standard stack of crap 2 inches thick of graded homework and handouts from school, and then...then I pull out a sock. Not just any sock. An orange baseball/football sock. So it's not only orange, it's the kind you can pull up to your knee. And then a blue one. And then a green one. One of each color. Ummmmm, whodawa? We were confused to say the very least. What on earth is the child doing with 3 mismatched socks in his bag.

So the next morning, I ask him.

Me: Hey Owen, what's with the socks in your backpack?
O: What? (typical response to a question that he doesn't want to answer)
M: You heard me - why do you have 3 socks in your backpack?
O: Oh, that. *big cheesy grin*
M: Oh my - what are you doing with the socks?
O: Wearing them.
M: Wearing them?
O: Yeah, I'm wearing them in school.
M: You're wearing mismatched knee-high socks in school?
O: Yeah.
M: With shorts?
O: Yeah. Me and Brandon.
M: In school? During school? You're wearing your football socks...two different colored football socks in school? With your chucks?
O: Yep.
M: Your chucks fit you with those big thick socks on?
O: Well, they're kinda tight, but yeah.

OMG. Seriously? Seriously. Killing me. I was laughing so hard. The thought of the sight of my son walking the halls his school wearing under armor (lives in it) a pair of the nylon athletic shorts (all he wants to wear) and his football socks, pulled up to his knees, with his blue chuck taylors. And not just that - but he's putting them on when he gets on the bus, and taking them off on the way home so we don't see him do it.

Killing me. Killing me and cracking me up all at the same time. I didn't tell him to stop. I could really care less...and it seems to amuse him. No harm, but seriously? Hilarious. I wonder what his teacher thinks?


Anonymous said...

As long as he isn't shoving them down his pants...

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a girl thing?

Anonymous said...

Trust me, his teacher has probably seen much worse/more bizarre things than mismatched knee socks.

Anonymous said...

I am just reading about this at 9:49 p.m. because your site is FORBIDDEN at my new work computer. Seriously. If you could just clean up your potty mouths maybe I could chime in but until then look for me on the late night shift.

Anonymous said...

That's weird. Are you sure it isn't for the girls??? You know, he wears a color that corresponds to a sex act...You've heard of this right?

Eileen, don't be such a pansy. 9:49pm isn't late...

Rebecca said...

Ummm, what? color that corresponds to a sex act? you completely lost me. He's wearing them today - one blue sock, one orange sock ... pulled up to his knees, Black shorts, blue and orange football jersey.

He is truly one of a kind, my Owen.

Rebecca said...

And chances are, Eileen - they block everything from bastards.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about colors corresponding to sex acts. But it’s with bracelets.
I don’t think it’s moved onto socks… but if it has…

orange bracelet (or purple, in some cases) and you get a kiss…
Blue, oral sex

Knowing Owen, I’m sure it’s just his quirk-self being different. Standing out in the crowd. It might get him attention from the girls, but not in an inappropriate way.

SPEAKING OF inappropriate, what the hell is going on with commercials lately?
Hayden’s seeing some pretty R rated stuff…
The trailer for GOOD LUCK CHUCK (sex, nudity, OMG, you’ll have to see if for yourself

There is one shot of this girl’s underwear. The whole TV is a shot from belly button to mid thigh. Umm, we have a 55-inch plasma. YIKES! I’ll email the pic to Bek, maybe she can post it for all to see what I’m talking about.

and the Illinois’ drunk driving ad with all the blood and body bags. It shows an approx. 8 year-old get hit on his bike by drunk driving college kids and being zipped into a body bag after showing a lot of blood all over people. Yeah, really gross. Hayden runs out of the room whenever he thinks it’s going to be on.
Has anyone seen these commercials? They are on between 5-7pm… on nbc, abc, fox. SERIOUSLY, I have a 4-year-old.

Rebecca said...

I don't know, Jul - that movie ad seems pretty harmless. It's not like they show her standing there in her underwear's literally a split second. And the underwear has a penquin - it's not a thong and they're showing her ass. And when they do show her in her underwear it's not in any way related to sex. So that example in particular I can get past. They do show a girl taking off her shirt and you can see her in her bra, and that is in the context of sex, so that's a little over the top for primetime family hours. Overall the trailer doesn't set off my mommy-dar...and I'm pretty sensitive to that stuff, way more than my husband.

I haven't seen that drunk driving ad, HORRIBLE. I wonder if its on the web somewhere. Actually, scratch that, I don't want to see it!

Anonymous said...

I've seen the DD ad. Actually, when Nicole and I watched "The Boy" a little while ago he talked about. I hadn't seen the commercial then but Nicole had and she agreed with Hayden that's it's a bad commercial. Then Hayden looks at me and says, "Uncle, Uncle Jiiiim, (you know, how he stretches it out) Don't Drink and Drive. That's bad..."

So, the commercial is violent, but apparently it does work...

I like Jessica Alba's ass so I'm in favor of that commercial. However, the movie looks stupid.

Kathy said...

I've seen the DD commercial and it's completely inappropriate for young kids, not to mention during the dinner hour...YUCK. I distract Gavin when it comes on so he doesn't look at the TV screen.
Lots of other things on TV - like the trailer for that movie - make me stop and wonder if we are so used to seeing that stuff that we don't even think about it anymore. I only think about because of my 3 year old...

Rebecca said...

Really Kathy? You thought that movie trailer was inappropriate? I guess maybe because my kids are older I am desensitized - because other than the ripping off of the shirt in the very beginning, the rest of it, including the underwear shot, was pretty benign in my opinion. I don't really have a problem with a toddler seeing people in their underwear, including my sons when I was in my underwear and they were toddlers, especially because it's completely non-sexual. But I cut my teeth on Benny Hill - someone was de-pants'd on that show pretty much every show for a laugh.

And Jimmer I agree - the movie looks ridiculous.

I told Julie before, my beef with advertisers is the 50 million erectile dysfunction and herpes ads during every football and baseball game.