Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Really? Are they getting paid for this?

So Alex and I were hanging out in the basement watching anything "not wrestling." Originally we were going to watch "This is Spinal Tap" - but I was too sleepy and wanted to finish watching "Intervention." Yeah, I know...shut up.

After intervention - the show "Paranormal State" came on. Have you seen this hot mess? Seriously. SERIOUSLY. I mean I'm not mocking the paranormal, I'm not (do you hear me ghosts and spirits and demon-like creatures...if you can surf the net, I'm not mocking you) - but this show. For the love. It's so drama-ridden...and there's this big build up...because these spirits are really 'bad' and can HURT YOU. They all end the same way... the homeowners have some sort of 'ceremony' at 'dead time' (3 am, in case you were wondering) and tell the spirit, soul, demon, to "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE" and poof! All is well. Whoever was sick? Feeling better. Whatever noises you heard? All gone. Whatever fears you have? Relieved.

Are they paying this group for this??? Who's worse, the people filming it or me for watching it. It's a toss up.

And after that hour of my life I'm never getting back, they had a special on called "Psychic Children, their Sixth Sense." Psychic stuff, yes - I think people can see things, and hear things and whatever - John Edwards? no. but other people, yes. But this one little girl...her ability? Yeah, she can talk to trees. Whodawa? Now who in the hell is going to dispute that? They showed her walking through a forest and she touches a tree and says "Cows used to graze here, this tree provided shade." Really? The tree told you that? Great. THAT'S your gift? Who can challenge her? Another tree whisperer? Well when that tree talked to ME it said it used to dance the funky chicken back in the day and drop acorns on indians. PROVE ME WRONG!! She also gets very emotional and depressed when things happen in nature, like Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami. Noooooo...really? I bet a lot of people got depressed watching the Katrina coverage. I know I did. I don't think I'm a nature psychic because of it.

I am actually dumber for having watched this stuff. Alex and I got a big kick out of it. I'm now "the couch whisperer"...I told him that the couch told me that it's tired of my boys farting on it all of the time. It's feelings are getting hurt, so please stop...especially when mom's in the room.


Anonymous said...

The tree whisper is probably a former Druid. As for the couch whisper --
love it!!

Anonymous said...

You are officially KILLING me!!!

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely fascinating what I learn about children from reading their parents blogs. For instance, this adolescent thing pre-teen boys have about farting - Seriously - I had no idea it was such a trend.

Rebecca - have you read Eileen's recent article about this same phenomena, which she experienced at her son's recent sleepover birthday party?? Hilarious!

This would just be a cute funny quirk IF they actually grew out of that behaviour as they aged, but - back me up here ladies - they continue to find this behaviour just as amusing in adulthood as when they are teens, no?

Rebecca said...

Kristen - yes - I've read it and can completely commiserate with Eileen...

And as for growing out of it - who do you think is encouraging this behavior in my house?? It's certainly not me! This is the reason I usually tell people I have 3 kids...a 10 year old, a 15 year old and a 42 year old. Women always seem to understand EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

#1 Wrestling is more entertaining that fake paranormal stuff.
#2 Farting is not a pre-teen or adolesent thing. It's a guy thing.
#3 I just read the last paragraph of Kristen's response so ignore #2.
#4 I thought Kevin was older?