Monday, January 07, 2008

Sorry folks..

That there have been no new updates. My job is kicking my ass.

Quick update:
Yes, the Steelers lost. I was sad. Actually, I'm still not over it. I didn't think they'd win without Willie Parker and a couple of other injured peeps. If only they hadn't rallied...I actually got hopeful. But alas, NE is next up for the Jags, and they will have their asses handed to them appropriately. The only team with a shot of taking out the Pats is Indy, otherwise it's going to be a NE/Green Bay/Dallas superbowl. I'm unwilling to commit to the NFC bid just yet...I'd love it if Green Bay went.

On a more tumultuous note - no good deed goes unpunished. I hate it when the managing partner/owner here at the firm says it - but ultimately he's right. Almost always. Which I also hate. He drags me out of my rose colored glasses world of believing the best out of people. He shares this quality with my husband. They both say mean things about people and I always defend those idiots and tell them that they're being too cynical. And in the end, they both end up being right and I hate it. I refuse to let my faith in the goodness of humanity be thwarted, however...and so I trudge on. I realize you guys have NO idea what I'm talking about. I'm just venting....

Blues jam is back on, kids - Sundays 4-8. Well, let's be realistic...5-9. It's getting better all the time and the food is still AWESOME. Get there.

Julie - I miss you.

My girlfriend Jen is pregnant. YAY Jen! June baby...can't wait. She won't tell me if it's a boy or a girl, though. Grrrrrr.

My to do list is getting longer here at work and I'm exhausted. Oy. I feel like there are things I'm forgetting which is NOT GOOD when you are solely responsible for the updating and security of your network for a firm protecting personal data for too many people to think about.

The tone of this email isn't really uplifting, is it. Sorry guys and dolls -
When all else fails, celebrate!


Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Jen Adams? Regardless of which Jen, Congratulations Jen and it's not mine.


Carol said...

I feel the same as you about the Steelers. Why couldn't they just let us keep on believing they had no chance in hell to win without Parker.....why give us false hope? I guess we have to move on......I can't. All I have to say is I don't care who beats NE, someone better.

Rebecca said...

I am, indeed, Jimmer...and I'm pretty sure it's not yours.

And Carol - I've been depressed about it all damn day. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

I too was SAD that Pitt lost. I was SAD and confused for awhile... see I fell asleep just before the end of the game and PA was winning... woke up during the news pinning for the sports section to here what the heck happened.

I miss you too.

Anonymous said...

OK, so you needed to vent! Feel better? Good!! Got news for you; age doesn't make a difference. We all need to vent. I used to vent to the cat, but the cat died! So now I vent to the wall or the TV. Come on over and we'll vent to each other.

Yeah for Jen!!