And now that there is truly no new/different/funny television out there because of the writers strike I've confirmed that "This sucks." I mean, reality TV was already threatening to take over and now HAS, in fact, taken over as the only "unscripted" (and I use that term VERY loosely) shows on television and therefore not needing any writers. Not to mention most of them are filmed months in advance, and probably were done before the strike.
Anyway, I digress. Reality TV sucks (except for Idol, which starts this week, and I'm so excited I can hardly STAND it).
What I wasn't expecting from the writer's strike? For them to ruin my award show season. MY AWARD SHOW SEASON, PEOPLE! I am a red carpet junkie...remember, I came out of the closet last year?!? I require my red carpet and my overly processed Hollywood types and several phone calls to my mother and my sister-in-law praising or bashing what we see. I require foo-foo cocktails for such viewings and for my family to The Golden Globes were last night. GOLDEN GLOBES. This is like the mother ship for people like me and they didn't even HAVE a red carpet because NO ONE CAME. No one. Well, unless you count Nancy O'Dell. Not. They called them off, and the awards were handed out by entertainment reporters to NO ONE. Whodowa??? This chips away at the very core of who I am. No best and worst dressed list the next day on E!??? No horrible red carpet banter from the Rivers duo?
Now this shit has gotten to me. It's bad enough that I'm stuck with no Grey's, no Brothers and Sisters, no Chuck, no Life...but, but...I almost can't speak.
Give them what they want already you overpaid buffoons so I can at least have my Oscars and salvage SOMETHING from this award season. It's the 50th anniversary of the Grammy's for fuck's sake. Let's go.
If you're looking for something interesting to read - Eileen posted out on a blog about the writer's blog "Why We Write", where very famous writers and producers share why they started and continue writing the shows you probably love. Some of them are lame and preachy, but some of it is very, very good. Take a peek: Why We Write
Oh, and the Colts suck. Peyton is good, guys, but he still needs an OFFENSIVE LINE and I don't know, maybe a DEFENSE that can stop a SECOND STRING DAMN QUARTERBACK in the fucking PLAYOFFS from marching the ball down the field and scoring a touchdown. Ya think? At least the other Manning had a team that looked like they wanted to win and did. All I have to say to that is Go Green Bay! (And I still hate the Pats, how they play so horribly every 1st half and then win is beyond me. I think they do it on purpose just to screw with me)
And last, my kid rocks. Played the drums with Pistol Pete at the Blues Jam yesterday and I got some great pics from Mary Hampton. When she posts them on her website I'll let you know. But I still can't find anyone to give him a decent haircut. Oy. (*ETA: she posted them, I was just too dumb to find them - click on the "I'll let you know" link...for specific pics of me, go to about page 20 and then again starting on page 26 of the thumbnails.)
Something cool I just found on Picasa: the highlights from last Sunday from Mary:

Finally we get a bit of your Joe Cocker moves.
I think it's high time you evolved out of your "Red Carpet" phase.
I still love you though.
First off....
Peyton has always sucked in big games....Until he played my beloved Bears last season.
Never did he win an SEC Crown or national Championship in College, Christ he couldn't even beat some of the worst Florida teams I have seen in ages. Then he graduates and Tee Martin, a QB with a third of Peytons hype and tallent, wins both the SEC & National Championships. Just ask you're beloved Steelers how easy it is to rattle Goober in a tight game.
But I regress.
Yes the writers strike sucks, and it is costing me new episodes of my NEW favorite show "Samantha Who", as well as "Reaper" at least USA has broke it's 'All Law & Order, All The Time' format to show us what they have filmed of "Monk" & "Phsyched".
At least Food Network is still rolling!
D - Turn in your hetero card immediately you food network loving Samantha Who watching retail working bahstad. (HA! That was know I'm kidding...right...D...please cook food for me at Laura's again...D???)
My hubby and the kids miss Reaper, too - and the last ep was laaame.
Jimmer - it's nevah gonna happen - evah. I love the red carpet...I always will...I'm born into it, just ask the Janet.
Hi my name is Eileen and I, too, and a red carpet ho. Love them. Not sure why but I do.
And Rebecca, your pictures are great. So glad you posted them. Quite an emotional range based on your photos. I esp. like the third row, far left.
That's why I started with the football stuff.......
To wash away any apparent Gayness.
Guess what else sucks? The links in your post. 2 out of 3 don't work.
Anywho, TV does suck.
So take advantage of this time. TV is so overrated anyways. It'll suck you into the pit of the couch wanting you to eat junk food. I initiate a strike on TV! Let's all put a black cloth over our 55-inch plasmas and refuse to use them until something important... like the superbowl.
But I digress.
What I really want to focus on is that it's a great time for us to read more, play games with our families (ahem, Rebecca and fam had a game night last night!), exercise, organize that room, cook homemade meals, and converse about our days without that catty box with advertisements jumping across the bottom interrupting!
WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL these writers are in a time-out. If it wasn't for this siesta, we all would still be entranced with nail biting mystery cop and lawyer shows, moody, knifing bitches who live on the same street, and doctors, doctors, doctors.
So, can you do it? Can you live without TV?
Eileen! I'm laughing at my desk because of your fav pic of Bek.
When I saw that picture my thoughts were, WOW BEK! Good for you, there is no way in HELL I would put a pic of myself like that on the web!
Too Funny!
Don't get me wrong,
I do LOVE the photomontage!
Oh, and I forgot to address the Scottish - I know you've been DYING to see my Joe Cocker-ness.
Jul - links fixed. Apparently I can't cut and paste. What a geek I am, eh?
And you know what, Jul - you're right. I have actually really, really enjoyed this time without being a "slave to my shows." The red carpet is the only thing that has me in a huff.
More photo-montage on the way...good times! Eileen, if you check out the pics on Mary's blog, I think there are even more "attractive" shots like that. I think there's one with a vein popping out of my neck...sweet.
D-no amount of football can transcend your gayness...
Hey Rap!!! who's Joe Cocker???
Oh dear sweet anonymous...I know who you are!!
I feel that more support for the disease that is "Red-Carpet-itis" is required here.
Rebecca - who ARE these people who do not appreciate the sublime thrill that comes from giving thumbs up to the celebs who look Fab on the carpet, and sarcastically, mercilessly ridiculing the fashion taste of other stars (or their stylists as the case may be) while sitting on your own couch in ratty sweat pants and scarfing down snacks and drinks?
I LIVE for Red Carpet season and actually sit at my computer as they run the gauntlet making my detailed list of review comments for emailing to my red carpet posse the next day for comparison and discussion. Trust me - Joan and Melissa have NOTHING on me when it comes to fashion police!
Hmmm, the foregoing makes me sound a big obssessed and nutty, doesn't it? Oh , well, Whatever.
Absolutely not! It's brilliant - I love it.
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