Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Dilly Bar story

So last night I worked late because Alex had to work. Just as well, there were phone upgrades to be done. Totally geeky things happening over here, lemme tell ya.

I get over to the DQ about 9:15 and Alex is still working. I have no problem with this as there are the usual 57 voicemail messages on my cell phone to answer and return. Yes, at 9:15 at night. Ridiculous, I know, but true nonetheless. While I'm pacing around outside chatting (a trait I inherited from my dad, who is a hopeless helpless pacer while on the phone...and I'm happy to say that my youngest has the same annoying habit) some kids are also outside happily, or so I thought, munching on their ice cream cones.

Two girls in the car, two boys outside the car. The next thing I know, the tallest boy is saying "back this car out, we're fixin' to go wreck some shit! C'mon...we're goin to wreck some shit..."

Ummmm, what? Is this new lingo I'm unaware of? Does this mean you're leaving to go party? Like you're gonna get wrecked? I'm barely paying attention to them until the car starts backing out and the boys go back into the DQ. In a flash they are running out, the manager is yelling "Don't come back!" and the boys are trying to jump into the car. Well by now my spidey sense is tingling, so I start walking towards the back of the car to get a plate number.

And this is where my age kicks in...not only did I NOT recognize trouble when they were talking about wrecking some shit, I have TERRIBLE night vision that takes my already horrible near-sightedness to a disgustingly bad level. So I can't really focus on the number. Besides which, the blue plates with the white numbers that the state of Indiana has instituted? NOT GOOD FOR NIGHT. With the license plate lights reflecting off the white, I think it was like 43567 or maybe 45637? Yeah, I'm old

So they take off, with the back door still open and one of the boys stranded at the DQ.

I go inside and find out that their apparent high as hell "gangsta" version of wreckin some shit s to open the freezer, take out a box of cherry dilly bars and throw them on the ground.

ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh no you di'int!

Seriously? Really? Assaulting dilly bars? That's what constitutes fun and rebellion on a Tuesday night in the summer? At least we were more creative than that. Clearly walking around and randomly removing Christmas bulbs from someone's porch was WAY cooler. As Alex put it, what's next, going to MickeyD's and spilling pop?!

They take off down Broadway and their abandoned dilly bar assaulter is left on foot hiking down 68th. They circle Broadway for a bit until realizing I'm watching for them, still trying to get the plate number. Yeah...shut it.

Now they ditch the car and the girls are on foot trying to find their friend when the police show up. I talk to the cop, tell her basically nothing, it's a silver toyota camry with a license plate number that might be any combination of those numbers...I'm SO Rebecca Crum, Dilly Bar Detective. Alllllllllllll-righty then...but I did describe the girls and what they were wearing.

They never found the miscreants, but it was a bit of excitement for the DQ at closing time. Alex and I are thinking about going out and starting some trouble tonight...maybe we'll throw some napkins around a Wendy's or take all the straw wrappers off the straws at a Burger King. We're rebels and cannot be contained. Who's driving the getaway car? Anyone? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a story that Michael tells about his misspent youth. Picture it - two cars filled with students from rival high schools. They're cruising the main drag in town and decide to stop and mix it up a bit. Of course since this was the main drag and it was Saturday night, the cops also were cruising.

So, when the black and white showed up, the guys scattered back to their respective vehicles ... sort of. Michael and his friends realized they had an extra body in their car. Somehow the young man had run to the wrong car. Upon realizing his error he stayed very, very quiet until someone finally realized there was a stranger in their midst - a rival stranger, if you will.

They were nice about it, though. They just let him off at the next corner.

So while the Dilly disrupter was left behind, at least he wasn't stranded behind the counter with store manager and expected to help serve customers!

Rebecca said...

Michael had a misspent youth?!?!

OMG - it's so West Side Story!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, very misspent. Guess we didn't get into those stories, did we?

Don't worry, we'll cover those the next time you and Kev-head come to visit.

Anonymous said...

First things first, I am not able to drive cars right let alone getaway cars.

I don't think you should beat yourself up over the vision. It's happening to the best of us. However, you should have tackled them or maybe taken your shirt off which would have stopped the guys in their tracks. Then the girls would have been so furious with the guys for looking at an older women that they would have started yelling at them. The cops would have been there in no time.

It could have been worse. They could have thrown the dilly bars at Alex...Those sticks could put an eye out...

Sox 3 KC 2, Top of 4.

Anonymous said...

Should be "drive cars right now..."

Anonymous said...

Fav part--
"Rebecca Crum, Dilly Bar Detective"

Question- What flavor dilly bar? Cherry is my fav.