Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I give up

So I set this up over a year ago, and this is my first post. I think I'm finally pissed off enough to have something to say. It's going to sound like whining, I'm warning you all in advance. For those of you who know me, you're going to tell me to shut the fuck up, and that's fine. For those of you who don't, I'm usually not a whining little pansy, but here goes.

I got sucked in. Again.

I used to sing with a band. This band. And I used to think I actually rocked a little bit. It was a great time. Then we decided to build a house, and playing every night of every weekend just wasn't conducive to my sanity. So now I just sit in with them every once in a great while and do karaoke every once in a great while to get my singing fix. That and singing my brains out in my car while I drive all over holy hell every.single.day.

So last year I was singing karaoke at the Village and the waitress said there's a contest you should get into, you'll kill 'em. $2K top prize. Hello Cancun!!!! Long story short, I barely made it in and didn't win a dime. It cost us more in food and booze between the Kev-head (my husband for those new to the game) and me. Great, Christina Aguilera singing guy wins $400, me zippo. Fine, whatever.

I got over it after a few weeks (read "months") and my ego took a huge hit.

I was truly over it until Friday, when Laura called and said "Auditions for Season 2 of Rockstar are happening at the Elboroom, you should go. I'll go if you go." Long story short, Laura didn't go, Julie was going to go but I called her off, and then I went anyway by myself and had a BLAST. 5 hours on a sidewalk in the Chicago sunshine and met some really great peeps. (Special shout to Scott & Melissa from WV and Jimmy from Indy) I got 20 seconds to do my thing a cappella, and well, I guess I didn't wow them because I got no phone call on Sunday. Boo friggin' hoo. It's 20 seconds...I was over it. Right? Riiiiiiight. I'm still beating myself up for song choice and then for picking the wrong part of the song. That should be over by say, the end of summer.

But I saw Lee Couch in line, an old Cheestown mate, graduated with my sister...and HE said "If you don't get in, go to this pub in Lafayette, they are holding auditions there, too. If you go Monday night, they can qualify you for the CBS taping they are doing there on Sunday" WHAT? Sing more than 20 seconds? Redemption is MINE!!!

Except it wasn't.

They chose 6. I'm not even close, bud. I got beat by the hometown faves. With Lafayette radio and TV judges. I lost before I hit the door. I'm not kidding. 2 of the 6 that made it were actually entertaining. One sang Land of fucking Confusion. Are you fucking kidding me???? 3 of the 6 sang in the last group to go, although they were all there way before the rest of us, and we performed in the order we signed in, which one would assume is the order we ARRIVED. Padding your faves for the end much? It didn't help that a hometown girl sang the same song as I did. She didn't get picked either, which is good, because that would have KILLED me. One guy came up from Terre Haute and killed with Bon Jovi, he made it...the only non-Lafayette guy to do so.

So it leaves me to wonder, are my friends humoring me? Am I just so mediocre I should never sing outside my car again?

And in the same breath I contemplate advertising that a chick singer is looking for a band...

I'm truly messed up.


Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, paperplate.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Shut the Fuck up…(I actually read it.) Now, with that being said, it’s completely understandable that you are “whining” about this situation. However, and this is strictly my opinion, I think you are an exceptional singer. Keep in mind that I’m no Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, or certainly not Simon (I would have gotten my ass beat a long time ago if that were the case). Anyhow, I think one statement really wraps it up from my end. That is, you can’t win, if you’re not in. The mere fact that you auditioned is commendable in and of itself…..

BTW, pardon the language.

Rebecca said...

All right, all right...I took the mod of the comments...I didn't realize I had done that. You have instant pub now.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy I was at the same show and also witnessed the same Home town favorite bullshit.

I like competition and may the best person win, not the one with the most family and friends. That is what happened at Cocks Bar in Lafayette.

Out of the 40+ singers 6 were awarded top honors and out of that 2 were properly titled and 1 was marginal the other 3 were as I say Bullshit.

The worst thing about this is when we arrived it was after 7:00 and 90% of the singers were already registered and as you signed in that was to be the order that you performed.

The first 30 singers got very little respect from the Home Town crowd there was so much yelling, screaming and general talking you could not hear the singers through the bad music system and watch the rolling and fuzzy out of time 55” monitor behind the stage.

The last 10 singers who were all there well before us (#26) sang last. These last 10 singers to which 75% of the crowd belonged to fell silent and very supportive during these performances. (Save the best for last (MORE LIKE) Save the favorites for last)
The whole thing was set up from the beginning.

I am in total agreement with your perspective.

Signed lonely

Anonymous said...


I have never heard you sing, but I have no doubt whatsoever that you are terrific, wonderful, and have real star power.

It's hard for me to get my mind around an IT person singing in a band, though. It would be like an accountant doing nude body surfing, or a computer programmer doing acid while snowboarding.

Steve C.

Rebecca said...


How funny - I am well rounded (and getting more and more rounded as the years go on) - so yes, an IT person CAN be a rock star, but apparently not a 'Rockstar.'

As far as the programmers doing acid...I wouldn't be shocked (see 'The Matrix').

I'm not sure I'll be as good about blogging as Mer, but you should check in every now and again, you never know when I might have something actually interesting to say.

Anonymous said...

I was also at the Cocks Pub auditions for Rock Star and noticed the same Bullshit.

I impartially believe you should be in the top 6 and also believe you have a God given talent to sing and makes me proud every time I hear you.

I want you to know that no matter where you place in any singing competition you will always be this family’s STAR along with the honor of being the top performer in the following categories

• Best Long Distance Driver. Moving children and sleepy husband anywhere with no complaining.
• Most supportive. The ability to make anyone feel special and loved.
• Performance by an actress in a leading role. Providing our family with the best guidance and examples.
• Performance by an actress in a supporting role. For picking up the pieces when I decide to take the lead roll.
• Best animated feature film of the year. For acting like everything is ok and always looking like you care.
• Achievement in art direction. For the late nights spent on homework / science projects to meet assignment needs.
• Achievement in cinematography. For all the family photos that will remember us of our life’s together
• Achievement in costume design. For the expert sewing, cutting and cursing on all patches and costumes.
• Achievement in directing. For getting this family to where it need to be and when we need to be there.
• Achievement in editing. For reprogramming the bad I put in the boys and making it positive.(when I cross the line)
• Achievement in sound editing. For changing dinner conversation that turn wrong. With better subjects.
• Achievement in visual effects. For always looking HOT to me.
• Female Pop Vocal. At the kitchen sink while cooking or in the car it always puts a smile on our faces.
• Pop Duo or Group with Vocals. For the annoying pop songs you teach the boys and how loud you all sing them.
• Solo Rock Vocal. For the performances out with just you and I. YOU MAKE ME SO PROUD
• Best Package. Enough said.
• Lifetime Achievement Awards. For making this house a home and us a family.



Anonymous said...


O.k. I’m a paperplate! Should have read the blog first! DUH! Friend I am very proud of you for putting yourself out there! That being said I have personally heard you sing in a car and there is no way that it should be consigned to only such a forum. Not only do you have chops you also are the total package baby!!!! I’m not sure if you can remember your last gig, but I’m sure you weren’t padding the crowd with your friends, was it only people who knew you who were dancing, singing and clapping?

With that said after reading Kevin’s response I now secretly have a crush on him

Love You,


Rebecca said...

Yes, I have a crush on my husband, oops, I mean 'anonymous' too. I hope my husband doesn't read this. He might get jealous.

He was a trooper last night and should be commended since he wanted to light himself on fire 1/3 of the way through.

Honey - you have officially earned yourself all of the rewards that March 20th has to offer. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. The only man I have a crush on is Jack Bauer...

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, the velvet that only Kiefer can deliver...oh, anyway...

Rebecca, you are an amazing singer and friend. That being said, I already warned you today that you can only beat yourself up over this for so long before I have to kick your ass.

You are a rockstar and it's your bithday month. Cheer up grasshopper.

Anonymous said...

I just thought of another comment. Again, I can't speak for anyone else but I'm pretty sure most of us do not "humor" you. Believe me, if you sucked, I would tell you. Just like if you had broccolli (sp?) in your teeth or a ship wreck on booger reef, I would tell you.

Also, anyway we can get the name of the commentor with Caps? The Jimmer just doens't look as good in lower case letters...Just a request. Come on, "Humor" me...Bye now.

Rebecca said...

The sad part is...Kathy really can kick my ass...so I'd better listen to her.

Anonymous said...

Have I met this Kathy? I'm a little fuzzy on that but feel like I need to...

Rebecca said...

You have met the Kathy - at my wedding. She and her husband, Eric (yes, they are Eric & Kathy....but not THE Eric & Kathy), danced with you at my wedding and called you the 'leprechaun.'

Anonymous said...
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