How is everyone? Have a good 4th of July weekend? Did you have to work on Monday? I did, and it was lame. Seriously. What is wrong with people? What was so friggin' pressing that we had to come in? Lemme tell ya, nothing. Not a damn thing. I wish employers would realize that the way to make your employees happy is to give them a little something every now and again. Like Julie's company, extra days here and there, outings...these actually can and do make a difference in your workplace. What do I know? Kathy typically says screw all of that and give it to me in my paycheck. But she's antisocial...except with I don't know what kind of gauge she is. And I'm what kind of gauge am I??
I was overserved on Monday night, I do know that. And two hours is too long to spend in a hot tub. And how is it humanly possible that I was not heaving yesterday? Is it because I just drank so long? I can't remember the last time I got home at 5am. Good times! Love my girls!
So I was funny in the hot tub. Amy was hollering at Ryan, her daughter, for trying to poison her. Out of context I guess that sounds sorta bad...but really not so much. I am a wine snob. Not in the sense that I only buy expensive bottles. Snobby in the sense that those sweet sissy girl wines are completely off my radar. They just are. They're not enjoyable. They're horrid. And trust me, you paid way too much for something that crappy. Amy was drinking one of these wines from the Oliver winery...a southern Indiana winery. ummmm. yeah. I know there's more than corn in Indiana, but I'm not sure they should be making wine. It's not good. Anderson really isn't good either. I just don't think Indiana has the right soil for this, kids. Amy had handed Ryan her glass of wine to hold. Ryan was floating the glass in the hot tub and trying not to let it tip. But she kept threatening to let the hot tub water get in the glass. So Amy shrieked something about her poisoning her mother with the bromine. (is that even possible?) Anyway, I told Ryan not to worry about it, because Amy was already poisoning herself drinking that shit Oliver wine. HA! See how funny I am? No? Okay.
Julie said I'm hard core because if I drink something I don't like I pour it out. But really, that's what wine people do. That's why they have buckets at tastings. So you can dump it if you don't like it. And in my defense, when I dumped a glass at her house, it was from an old bottle of valpolicella that she had in her frig that she prefaced with "yeah, I didn't like this when I opened it, and it's been in the frig a couple of days, I'm probably going to toss it." All I did was confirm, that yes, goat piss might be more enticing and dumped my glass.
Anyway - enough about wine. (is there really such a thing?) Cub Scout Camp the rest of the week! Hurrah! My favorite time of year!! Water guns and swimming and smores and skits and hobo meals and water guns and archery and YAY!! So I'll be out of commish for amongst yourselves.
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No, I did not have to work on Monday, whew...dodged that bullet. O.k. so we deceided to go to Lake Stations' 4th of July fest at Riverview Park. The sign said, food and entertainment at 5:30, so after putting up siding we cleaned up and off we went. We thought we would just have dinner there, being the sign said food, right???, yeah right, there was one freaking booth there selling Elephant Ears and corn dogs, so, after waiting in line for about 30 minutes(listening to the stupid ice cream truck next to the booth play the same stupid fucking song again and again and again) we got 4 corn dogs and 1 elephant ear (remember, this is our dinner) to the tune of 18 mother humping dollars, then the entertainment started, yes, the City of Lake Station thought that having a rap group at the family 4th of July celebration in the park was a good idea, yeah, they totally gettohed (sp) it up I tell you, fan freaking tastic, nothing like seeing a bunch of 2-4 year olds dance to Lovely Lady Lumps, OMG. The City did end of putting on a frantastic firework's show, one of the best I have seen, so next year, perhaps we will stay out of the park and watch the works from a far or better yet, watch fireworks from the beach. Have fun with the campers, I know you LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR.
Oh yeah, and I so totally agree with you, the only thing I can think Oliver wine is good for is taking off your finger nail polish
oh, and I forget to tell you all that the City allows you to bring in alcohol for the 4th celebration, SWEET, a bunch of drunk inbreds picking fights with their brother/uncle/cousin (all wrapped up in one) and fights we did see. I had to laugh at the little teeny weeny policy officer that was going to break this shit up, she was no bigger than a minute, and I searously wanted to start a fight just to see how she would take me down. In addition, I did not want to imply that one of my favorite groups to drive fast to, The Blacke Eyed Peas, where there just in case you did. That is the music the rap band choose to play whilst they got ready for their second set...
Yeah, talk about bad times...there was a friggin wet t-shirt contest at the beer garden deal we went to. If I had more time I would have blogged about that, but I'm going to need some time on that one. Glad the fireworks were good...but only having corn dogs and elephant ears?? TRAVESTY!
Um, yeah, enough about the wine. Jeez, you're killing me and everyone else that could give to craps about wine.
I did have to work Monday as well, and didn't get a damn thing done. That'll teach 'em.
I was at the wet t-shirt contest as well. I could blog about that for days...
Sorry I've been out of touch a bit. I've missed the blog and all of it's participants.
My mistake. Me and everyone else that COULDN'T give TWO craps about wine.
JIMMER! About damn time...
You'll come to LOVE wine...I'll make sure of it.
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