Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the cold November rain....er, snow?!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

I know not all of my 30something readership is in Indiana, or even in the same parts of Indiana...and I personally didn't get any snow....BUT Chesterton got 9 inches today...my parents a little further south got about 5...seriously??? When was the last time we had a huge snowfall in November. My dad swears this happens...I honestly cannot remember anymore than a light dusting or maybe an inch around Thanksgiving.

It was the strangest.thing.ever to see delays and cancellations on the news already! Julie says it's going to get her in the Christmas spirit. I say bah humbug to that - it makes ME realize I need new tires. That and the Kev-head drove my car to St. Louis this past weekend to hang with friends and was complaining about my tires. Oy. I know I need them, I know winter is coming, OBVIOUSLY if it's already snowing...but to spend money on tires right before Christmas. Ew. Kat mat just had to do it and I said ew when she did it. Now here I am, looking up phone numbers for all the local tire places...calling to get estimates. Ew. Ew. Ew. I HATE car repair stuff. Hate it. HATE IT.

Speaking of cars...should we bail out the big 3? Bleeding heart democrat liberal that I am...I gotta tell ya...all these bailouts? Yeah, not so sure about all that. And I know my guy supports it, but where does it end? First AIG, then the banks, now the auto manufacturers. Who's next? And how do we (and by "we" I mean Congress) decide who gets money and who doesn't when they ask? And why?

No...I don't like this one bit. I'm not saying I want to live like my grandma saving every napkin and ziploc bag because of the depression....but I'm sayin' this country could use a good come uppance....


Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should give the big three a .........

Wait For It....

Dutch Rudder.


Anonymous said...

Where is my bailout? I too believe talks of bailouts is getting a bit out of control.
THere is a dealership in Chicago that has a deal right now buy one pacifica at full price $39,000 get a PT Cruiser for a buck... Yes the second car is only a dollar.
About the Snow....
When I left at 5:15 we had about 4 inches in Westville. Too us an hour to get to the train station when normally it's about 20 minutes. It is pretty but the roads were a mess.

Anonymous said...


best prices for tires. My 911 eats tires :( and just to make you feel better it's about 1200 to 1500 for a set.