Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The "with love" movement...

I don't know how many of you have ever watched ze frank...have I talked about him here before? I love the guy...

Well, since the ze frank show ended, frank is still blogging and doing his thing...but now he's started a new project...from 52 to 48 with love. I find it terribly interesting and I'm sitting here pondering the ways I'd like to contribute to the project.

I'm amazed at the outpouring, not just from the blue, but from the red as well. I have feared for a long time that this country would never unite after the "hanging chads" and the vote that would be counted and recounted...and then the whole negative rampage with the swift boat deal...ugh. Let's face it, our politics lately have sounded more like elementary school playgrounds than educated adults. But this year? We sunk to new lows. Truly. And I'm frightened and horrified by the continuing outpouring of hatred. Is this really what we've become? Red state, blue state, he said, she said, socialism, anarchism, terrorism..."it's not that I condone fascism, or any ism for that matter. In my opinion, isms are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself."

The response to this project from the right wing (yes, I do read right wing blogs, kiddies...I'm always interested in what they have to say) alarming at best. They are basically telling the deal. Rather than at least concede that both sides said a lot of things that they shouldn't have, like ADULTS...they would rather tell us to kindly go fuck ourselves and take our blue crayons with us. They refuse to hold themselves accountable for fanning the flames of division for the last 8 years as well, and would rather perpetuate an attitude of hatred and accusation than change the rhetoric, change the tension, and start working together.

There are civil minded conservatives out there who insist that this drama is not what the conservatives are about. They insist that the right wing is supposed to be about state's rights and preservation of civil liberties. But all I can see out there right now are hate mongering, war mongering, Bible thumping, grandstanding right wing nut jobs. And I feel like their numbers have increased since the election.

So I ask you...will we ever recover from this? Does Obama have any idea, ANY idea the job he has before him? Are we just setting him up for failure? He needs an advisory committee including MLK, Ghandi, Churchill, FDR and Lincoln for pete's sake, because right now he has to be all of them in one to look at the huddled masses and say "Shhhhhhhh...enough now" and have them actually listen.

Can we possibly recover from this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one "Ferris"

It was like we were communicating in Esperanto.....

If only Conservatives could be like the real John McCain, not the one that ran for President, but the one that made the Heart Felt concession speech, this country would be a better place for it.

Instead they want to sell you a picture, then make you afraid of that same picture, all the while selling middle class Americans on how they want to take care of them, then catering to the top 10% of the nation. We owe it all to the Carl Rove's & Lee Attwaters.

Where o where has my Barry Goldwater gone...