Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore...

Well, I wish I had bright sun-shiny news to report, folks, but I don't. My girl lost. And we also lost the other candidate we were supporting in Beaver Twp. (he-huh-he-he, yes, I said beaver...and just to further this Beavis and Butthead moment for you, I was working the polls in Beaver yesterday. Yeah, that's right, I said it. That one goes out to Doug and the Jimmer.) Cyndi won her township, but unfortunately for us, the blue-hairs in the other townships who got themselves in a lather thinking Cyndi was going to close their schools get to decide who sits on the board for my township. Seriously, these people don't have grandchildren in the system anymore, yet they are deciding who gets to decide what happens in my son's school. I applaud them for getting out the vote...they really did unite against us down there.

I'm sad, and tired...and really depressed because now the good people that remain on the board say they will not run for re-election when their term expires because they are tired of beating their heads against a wall.

It makes me question the system, which I am going to learn more about. Why is it that the minority population gets the bigger voice by the sheer fact that 4 townships feed the one elementary school, and therefore have 4 voices on the board? Why is it that the largest twp (my twp) with twice the population of those 4 townships combined doesn't get an extra seat when we have twice the student population as well? Why did so many people believe the propaganda that Cyndi was going to close Lincoln Elementary when she fought so hard to build it for the 5 years she was an officer with the PTA? We only won our township by 115 votes out of the 705 casted. Why did a candidate get re-elected who only attends 50% of the meetings? The list is endless, you guys, seriously. You have no idea what I'm up against, what WE'RE up against down here.

I will continue to fight the good fight. We have big problems in our corporation. A couple of school board members told me I'm doing a good job when I go down there and speak about our issues, and we had a very productive meeting with the superintendent. My cause marches on.

In other news:
We have kittens. Anyone interested? They were just born in the last couple days...not sure when because they are up in the hay loft. I'll post pictures when I can.

Alex got all A's and B's on his midterm grade report. He's being honored at a banquet held by the Kiwanis Club next week at Crown Point HS. The local Kiwanis have a dinner every year for the outstanding students in 7-12 every year in the Crown Point school system who maintain solid grades throughout the year...Trinity Lutheran, while private, gets adopted into that scope. He's totally embarrassed by it, and I'm totally proud that my son who just started private school this year is one of 4 to be on the honor roll in his class. (and the ONLY boy!)

AAAAAAAAAND - a big super-duper shout out to my girl Tigger - it is her 27th birthday!!!! Please raise a Miller Lite, dirty martini or glass of sangria in her general direction.

Thanks to all of my friends who have tolerated my school board babble through the campaign. You guys are the best.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Rap! And there will be some sangria tonight in honor of me turning the big 27!!! Cheers to all of you! Happy Wednesday, and Happy Birthday to me!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Tigger. Rebecca, I love your site. You crack me up!

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