Here it is boys and girls...

Yep, that's my man and his Harley - a bond no woman should ever even try to break. And that's his Harley friend, Randy. HI RANDY! Randy met us at the dealership with his bike so they could ride off into the sunset together. It was so sweet..*sniff* Tito...get me a tissue.
He logged 110 miles or so onto that bike on Saturday alone...I was only on it for 45 minutes or so and my ass is not happy with me. Seriously! This is bad. I'm old, old I say! I thought I was so cool, until I got off the damn thing and felt like I would be walking bow-legged for DAYS. Ugh. I had to take advil, people. Yeah, I'm HARD CORE BIKER material. So this just fosters a shitload of humorous comments for my husband's friends.
"Hey, are you a biker babe or a biker bitch?"
"Hey, you're riding in nothing but chaps, right?" Oh yeah, that's what I'm doing...jackasses. All of them. Because getting a motorcycle all of a sudden changes me into someone who wants to be naked in public? Not likely. Because then I would have to have a body that people would want to actually SEE...which would involve working out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...see that's funny. I've had a health club membership for 2 years...I haven't stepped foot in that gym since I signed up. That's motivation and dedication right there, continue to pay for something I know I will never use. Ever. And I might have to modify my diet, which right now consists of, well, whatever I want. And I like it that way, and my body likes it that way and my ass is getting larger, but I just attribute that to it being happy and liking it this way. Whatever. I'm 35 for crap's sake...modesty just doesn't go out the window.
But realistically...if I ever did shop the HD store...modesty isn't exactly a choice they're giving you. Holy hell. There was a nice sweater I liked...Kev-head vetoed it. Randy said I need something tighter. aaaaaaaagggggggghhhhh. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for this whole mentality. I just bought two very nice sleeveless crocheted sweater top thingies at the Penney's. I'm wearing one today and it looks great with my black capris and heels, which are 9 West, btw...and I'm just supposed to trade this in on leather and straps and skin tight and ew ew ew ew ew no no no.
But the black I can get on board with. ;)
Owen's team won his game last night. That's 3 in a row for anyone who's keeping track.
Alex's guitar teacher died in his sleep Friday night of a massive coronary - he was 47. So let's everyone take better care of ourselves and get our cholesterol checked and all that good healthy stuff.
Do you know what we could do? We could go work out at the gym on our lunch hour. God, what a plan. BRILLIANT!
OMG - it IS brilliant...we could bring our lean cuisine's and eat them at our desks when we get back! And we could go there and NOT stop at Bon Femme or Balagio, which are both STRATEGICALLY located right in front of the gym.
I'm so in.
I'm thinking of Gym names for each of you now.
TWO YEARS! Holy Crap! When is that contract up... CANCEL IT. Clearly you need to reallocate that 'gym' money 'wine & spirits' money. It's a simple line item adjustment. Get on it.
Yeah, I would like to see Kev in chaps with no straps... YEE HAAA
She is a genius and my accountant, apparently, so I guess I should listen to her.
Spirits my ass...the wine will do.
Hey "Snaps"......!!!!! I want to know why WE didn't make the blog AT ALL w/ our pictures from part of the weekend but the STUPID HARLEY did?!?!?!?! We had so much fun eating wings and drinking our Diet Coke's. Raps, i'm disappointed in you.......
Oh yeah Tig, that shot of us in our chaps and leather bras SHOULD have made the site, but NOOOOOOOOO, we have to look at bikes...BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS
Oh my girls - so delicate you are...with your wings and your diet cokes...HA!
I'll have to post some primo pics from that fun evening tomorrow. If I blog too many times in a day Julie hollers at me because she can't keep up.
ahhhh, but therein is the conflict, our true identies MUST NEVER BE KNOWN
Julie, WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP UP??? do you actually do WORK where you are? amazing concept.......
and Raps, you REALLY need to quit using "hollers" amusing as it is to hear.....just stop. :)
Why? She does...
what's so bad about "hollers?" Does that make me sound 'south of the river?'
I think I get it from the Janet.
I know, instead of using face shots, you could use boob shots (jimmer, that was for you) so our true idenity is still unknown
OMG - Jimmer would never get anything done in a day.
Where is Jimmer's comment" I can't believe a son of mine missed those comments!
This has nothing to do with any of you and nothing to do with this topic. It mostly has to do with my Wednesday and customers and people at work and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I agree with Wednesday is starting out crappy - and I'm just starting out being West Coast and all. Toothache, headache and cramps. I woke up my 4-year-old this a.m. 15 minutes before we had to leave for pre-school and she simply said "No, thank you," rolled over and fell back to sleep. Oh, why oh why can't we all have that option anymore? I like her philosophy to be honest: If I'm polite will you go away?
Eileen I must give you credit. If I woke up my son 15 minutes before we had to leave for pre-school it would be the worst 15 minutes of my life!!!! I have to be completely ready head to toe and wake him up an hour before we can leave.
Am better now. Eating lunch... and bought myself a brownie (with frosting!) for a treat. YUMM. We’ll save that for later this afternoon. Wish I could be polite and make people go away. But does that actually work? Did it work for Eileen’s daughter? Eileen, did you let her sleep? Probably not… since you’re at work. My problem is my fuse is too short. I go from, “yeah, I’d be glad to help” to “are you F#$%ing kidding me?” in about 45 seconds. After about a minute and a half I want to punch someone in the neck. If five minutes goes by I’m out the door to FLAVOR COUNTRY (Ragan lingo for smoke break). Oh yeah, I don’t smoke. So usually I’m just loud and swearing up and down the halls of Ragan Communications disturbing people as they try to work. I know they love me here because I haven’t been canned yet for being loud and vulgar. Wait… most here are loud and vulgar. Ha!
Well, I did let her sleep for another five minutes because how can you not let a little person sleep after she mumbles "No, thank you" in her Dora the Explorer pajamas. But I get your point.
Maybe I need food. Maybe that's the only missing link in this whole equation. Will you share your brownie with me if I say please?
Absolutely! I’ll let you know when it’s brownie time!
And my son, 2 ½, loves Dora. And Thomas. And Bob (Bobbie) the Builder. And Power Rangers. And Sprout TV. And, well, you get the picture. I’m the not-so-lucky parent that leaves at butt-crack dawn to get to work by 7:30am in Chicago. I live in Indiana. Yes, I know, I’m nuts. Anyway, if I got to be (or when I get to be!) the parent that wakes our sleeping prince up to get ready for daycare, I too, would let him have five (or so) more minutes with the polite request. Why the hell not? Sleeps important!
Sleep is important for the little guys.....HOWEVER......waking up enough to want to eat breakfast, figuring out WHAT they WANT for breakfast, ACTUALLY eating it.....getting dressed, combing hair, and brushing hour is stretching it for me dealing w/ him....PLUS he's a 4 year-old boy. Which, i don't know if you knew this, but when they turn 4 their brains are captured by aliens and returned.... so the sweet, loving child you had before they turned 4 NO LONGER EXISTS. And boys don't really move to fast when it comes to getting dressed and brushing their teeth. they don't really get into the grooming thing until they realize girls like that.
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