I'd like to give a personal, embarrassing shout-out to the jackass who lurks on this blog and got me addicted to iTunes. He is a pimp of the highest order...so thanks mykl. I just upgraded myself from the iPod shuffle to the 2GB iPod Nano. And boy is it pretty. I was going to get the 1GB. Really, I was. Seriously. But then, for only $50 more, I could get a whole gig more. A WHOLE GIG! What was I supposed to do? Just pass that up? It's 250 MORE songs!! Now of course the 4GB was only $50 more than THAT, and I managed to show some restraint and pass that one up. So be proud. Occasionally I can reign it in.
It's my Mother's Day present to myself from my family...thanks family! This is how the holidays usually go. I tell my husband not to buy me anything so I can go buy my own gift, because then I know it will be exactly what I want. BRILLIANT. Now the Kev-head does usually take care of me on Valentine's Day and anniversaries and the like, but for my birthday, mother's day and Christmas, it's all me. A woman just can't buy her own Valentine's Day gift, can she? hmmmm.
My friend Jen scoffed at me when I told her I had no problem filling my shuffle with 120 songs. I said I was feeling pretty confident the 500 songs this nano will hold will be okay. For awhile. I told her I average $20/month on iTunes. She found this number staggering. Among my most embarrassing downloads? Just today I grabbed the soundtrack to "High School Musical" for the boys on the way down to Kentucky this weekend. I also picked up Poison's Greatest Hits for my hair-band loving hubby and a shopping cart full of Prince before we went to see that concert a couple of years ago. Most recently I've been catching up on my Stevie Nicks catalog and I just grabbed the Mark Knopfler/Emmylou Harris duet CD last week (or was that the week before?) I lose track. Anyway, the duet CD is a fantastic listen, I highly recommend it.
I have more embarrassing tracks that I didn't download, I actually bought the CD. Like 100% Pure Funk volumes 1 AND 2. You can't have too much funk, my friends. I mean really, sing it....
I believe in miracles
Where ya from?
You sexy thing
(You sexy thing you)
Workin' at the car wash
talking about the car wash yeah!
Seriously good stuff there people.
So, do you iTunes? No? How come? You don't need an iPod to iTunes, people. You can still download and make your own crazy mix CD's. What are you listening to today? I'm in a Stevie Nicks place big time...but I threw it in with my regular playlist, so coming up we've got...
Dum Diddly - Black Eyed Peas
Baby I Love You - Aretha Franklin
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind - Ray Charles and Bonnie Raitt
Which reminds me...I need to go grab everything Bonnie Raitt's ever done. That will be a few months project...see? It's never ending.
OK, your memory problem referred to in Wednesday's blog is real...on Tuesday, you promised a picture of bald Owen; yet no photo.
Heck, you even mentioned your boy on Corporate Hallucinations (where I first found the link to your blog), so where's the photo?
Ah yes...the photo. See, I didn't have batteries in my digital camera to record the event.
Now yesterday I got batteries so I could take pictures of Alex at the Kiwanis Banquet, so I thought I would take pictures of Owen when we got home.
But then the banquet took FOREVER and we didn't get home until almost 10pm...and Owen isn't bald anymore. Believe it or not in 3 days...his hair has grown back...so it's more than a 5 o'clock shadow on that head. I can't believe it! But I will try and take a pic of him tonight so you all can see him mostly shaven.
This wasn't memory loss...this was lack of preparedness and overly quick hair growth!
The solution to the Owen Situation is simple. You must shave his head one more time. Don't be selfish and think of you and your son. Without your fans, you'd have no blog.
I'm out.
Oh, yeah. I have a lot of songs on my WMP. It plays on Random after those two paper plates get off the air. Eric and Kathy that is. It bodes well for me to just ignore it rather than piss off(Heather) the lady I share an office with. But they suck...
I started counting the songs and got 550 and I was only in the E's as they were sorted by artist...
Can we say Limewire?
I'm almost 62. What's an iPod? Just kidding. But seriously, do they have any classical like Gershwin's Rapsody in Blue or Rachmonioff's (sp?) piano concertos played by VanClybern? That's how far I go back. Frankly, I think I'd rather hear music on a great sound system like Bose, which I'm thinking of getting myself for my birthday. Some music just isn't made to be heard on a little earpiece stuck in your ear.
Oh, silly Joy - iPod's make your music mobile, sure...BUT - Bose actually makes a docking station/speaker system for these babies that ROCKS! I almost never listen to my iPod with the earbuds. I have an adapter for my car, and I use my computer speakers for when I get home. I hope to graduate to the Bose. Right now I can't afford it.
And iTunes has everything...even classical...even oldies...everything. Well, except AC/DC...that they don't have.
HA! I made mykl come out of hiding!
60GB??? I wouldn't know what to with that much space!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
Anonymous - not my script!!! I have no idea what blogger is doing...if you go to www.blogger.com and login with an account, you can create whatever you like.
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