Some of the others, not so much.
I love little league. I love watching these kids and the quirky things they all do. At this age level they use a pitching machine. Let's face it, 7 & 8 year olds are lucky if they can throw the ball in the vicinity of the person for which they are aiming, let alone hit a STRIKE ZONE. Most of these boys are coming off of t-ball...the game would consist of nothing but strike outs on swings, walks and batters getting hit and taking a base.
The play ends when the pitcher has the ball on the mound. Next to the pitching machine. That the coaches feed, because this contraption is hardly more than a spinning wheel of death sitting out there in the middle of the field. The kids aren't supposed to put their hands anywhere near it. It's a rubber tire of sorts, completely exposed and spinning at like 40 mph for fuck's sake. Seriously. I was concerned every time our pitcher bent over to pick up the ball he was going to stand up and get skid marks on his head. Not to mention that when the ball gets hit toward the pitcher...3 different kids (pitcher, short-stop and 2nd) are now all running full momentum into the general direction of this death trap. Finally Coach Kevin made the pitcher tuck his shirt in because we were all getting concerned that he was going to get sucked in.
We lost a couple of runs to an overly polite catcher. He was moving the bats off the plate or out of the box before the play was over, so no one could throw him the ball. oops.
One inning we went through two batters before we realized the 'pitcher' was still in the dugout sipping on a juice box.
One inning an outfielder ran out there without his mitt. and no one noticed.
One boy turns and looks at the crowd like we have snakes coming out of our heads when we cheer and encourage him. "C'mon Garrett!" or "Stay with it, buddy" if he misses...and he'll turn and look at all of us wide-eyed, like "who told you my name???"
The most exciting stuff happens inside the dugout. These kids are crazy! I can see Coach Kevin at 3rd base, yelling into our dugout. "BOYS! Get off the fence and start paying attention to the game!" "Caleb! Quit pulling people off the bench!" This boy is something else. He just randomly gets up and grabs someone by the leg, pulls them off the bench and jumps on them.
No crazy parents yet...but I'm sure it's coming. Kevin and I actually know most of the parents of the kids on our team through scouts...and only one of them is crazy...the stoned-out grandma.
Next game Saturday at 10.
Oh, I remember the days! You will too. Take lots of pictures. Pretty good form for Owen. Looks like he's got the makings of a real ball player. Too bad Alex isn't playing too, so you could have the joy of a double header - at the same time! Running from field to field was quite a challenge - especially dragging a two year old!
Love it!!
Alex is really regretting not signing up this year. He said he's definitely in for next year.
I see many many parents running from field to field...I don't envy them.
I'm going to try and get some more pics at tomorrow's game.
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