OMG - so I have a new friend...he looks like the guy over here on the right. And he thinks he's found a mate in my window. He is a song sparrow. So he's just hangin' out outside my window...bashing himself into his reflection, thinking he's found himself a hot momma. He's even singing to himself. It's making me crazy. I have a stress ball here on my desk that I hurl over there every now and again to get him to fly away, but he keeps coming back for more. Someone help me.
Julie thinks he's cute and that I should name him. She suggested Cocoa. Who-da-wa?? I countered with "deadbird." She countered with "Pecker"...NICE.
Which brings back a memory of a T-shirt my dad had when I was a kid. It was a picture of this cartoon bird, with horns...and underneath it said...wait for it..."Horny Pecker." Now my dad was a lot of things, but not really a perv. But here he was, with this shirt. We got it on our family vacation to Ocean City, MD...because there was some restaurant out there, I think it was called "Peckers" and they had all of these novelty shirts. I remember that this shirt was a big deal between Julie and my dad...that whenever she wanted to give him a hard time, she would bring up the horny pecker shirt, and this would always crack my dad up.
It's the little things.
Remember how Red in the face Annie would turn when your Dad would come out with the shirt on. He would go change when he saw Ann was over! Too Funny.
Keep us posted on your little Pecker.
Since I posted this I have thrown the stress ball at him 3 times...and he's back now. AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!
Try throwing a rock. See what that does.
Awwww, leave the little pecker alone...
Good Lord. Who names a restaurant Big Peckers? Although what am I saying...we have a place here in Roseburg, Oregon, called Between the Buns. It's a sandwich shop, but still - they're just TRYING to be totally disgusting.
Try taping a pictue of an owl on the window. Most small birds are afraid of owls. (Tape it with the picture side out.) I know that got rid of a nasty woodpecker (speaking of peckers) that thought my gutters would be a nice place to sharpen his beak - at 4:30 in the morning.
I talked to the chick here who handles our "pest control" people. Apparently there's something they can put on the sill called 'Tanglefoot' that keeps the birds away, but doesn't hurt them. She's going to tell them to do that to my window.
He's out there singing away in the tree as I type. Persistent little bastard.
Eileen - 'Between the Buns' - that's hilarious. Is the food good?
Rebecca - Do you actually think I'd ever go there? I can't get past the name.
Oh C'mon Eileen...HA! I bet that's the first time you've ever heard THAT ONE.
Not only could I go there...I WOULD HAVE TO go there because of the name. It's too hilarious to pass up. It's the same reason I bought the Fat Bastard Merlot for the first time...it was just too fun!
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Anonymous - I wasn't aware my site was 'cool' or 'great', but I'll take the compliment nonetheless. You are welcome here anytime!
I'm just using whatever the blogger people are kind enough to provide...create yourself a login and you can do it, too. And trust me, I might be a geek, but websites are not my thing. If I can figure it out, anyone can.
Hey Pea, don't most women leave the little peckers alone?
Size doesn't always matter, Jimmer...
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