Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes we can! Yes we can!

I am moved beyond words. I am excited to see where we can go from here. I haven't seen a president elect look more presidential. The speech moved me to tears...and I can't listen to sound clips today without welling up.

Indiana looks DAMN good in blue.

I'm curious, as I usually am, to know who wrote his speech...I'm guessing most if not all of it was written by him, which is also amazing. I know he wrote his DNC speech.

Red States, Blue States, United States...anyone else want to join hands and grab Michael Jackson and Diana Ross and sing "We are the World?" no? that's just me? oh.

My bad.


Anonymous said...

Hey I'll sing with you, as long as I can do the peach crostada dance at the same time. You know I'm good for it.

Rebecca said...

I always welcome a reprisal of the peach crostada dance...


minor technicality...wherever will we get the peach crostada???


Anonymous said...

Rebecca, "Jon Favreau writes 'em; he's 26." Check out the story / relationship in the comments on David Murray's recent blog:

Rebecca said...

Excellent! Thanks Susan...