And if you're not Jimmer and you can name that movie, you get a gold star today. Not from me, of course, but you can just mentally give yourself a little gold star. Actually I think everyone should still physically get gold stars in their day. Like you leave for work on time in the morning - you come home and there's a little gold star on your bathroom mirror or somewhere. Incentive, that's what my adult life is missing! Smiley faces in red pen, scratch-n-sniff stickers telling me I'm terrific. Oh the validation!
On to more important and interesting matters...
And what a party it was. Yeah, the wine store called. They said I drank all the wine at the wedding reception. Oops...and what a terrible choice THAT was. The red wine drunk is a drunk like no other. There are periods from that night that will never be recovered for me...like me telling Tiffany "I'm not drunk, I'm just exhausted" - which I was, but I was also very, very drunk. Moments like that are lost, and then there are moments that I totally remember...from the end...what's up with that? What did Chris say yesterday? The difference between and alcoholic and a drunk is that they have to go to those meetings. HA! The beauty of it all? Not hungover. Not even a little bit. Brilliant.
And now the moment we've all been waiting for. HELLO MARSHA!!! I see you out there lurking in the bushes. Everyone say hi to Marsha...she's Mom Joy's sister, and a lurker. I told her that eventually I will discuss something that causes her to de-lurk herself. Johnny is supposed to be sending me some terrible pictures he took of her that night to help me coerce her out of hiding. rebecca.crum@gmail.com is where you can send those...HA! Actually I don't mind the lurkers. I mean, it's not like I'm counting the number of hits to my site everyday...despite my geekiness, I wouldn't even know how. (Please, no one tell me, I'm obsessive enough about this without worrying about my damn 'hit count') It's fun to know that there are people I don't know about reading and laughing and reading and mentally criticizing me...HA! See, I'm funny.
I'm heard I missed quite the show at Flannery's. Not that I would remember it if I had gone. hee. Something about cartwheels...and someone still being in their tux at breakfast the next morning. Hmmmmmm...a good time was had by all. Some more than others.
The blog was quite the topic of conversation...Doug-O is intending on starting his own. When he does that I'll post a link so we can all spend even more time in the blogosphere together.

Owen had his first official game on Saturday. It wasn't a real game, as we had 3 teams rotating around...but he had a solid hit and a couple of nice plays. Next game is Wednesday at 6pm...
The worst part about drinking on Saturday night? The dehydration WRECKED my shoulder and I'm OUT of PT sessions. Going to get an MRI this week, I'll see the ortho doc next week and see what he says. If there still isn't anything definitive I'll try an acupuncturist, and if THAT doesn't work, well, then...anyone into voodoo? Because if I keep taking this many ibuprofen and muscle relaxers in a day, it will get to my liver before the alcohol. How sad is that?
Primary election day is tomorrow, kids. Don't care who you vote for, just please, get out and VOTE. You don't get to bitch if you don't vote.
I want to invite everyone who was at Meg's wedding to share a funny story or two...
Here's one from me...
Sunday morning some folks made it to Bob Evans for breakfast. (I was tucked cozy in my bed and couldn't do it....we were supposed to meet at 10am... I heard John set his alarm clock for 9:58...but, hey, who am I to say anything, he made to breakfast!)
Doug was upset with Tiffany for driving to fast. SHE was MAKING him nauseous. The funny part isn't that Doug was blaming his nauseousness on Tiffany... instead of the 29 drinks he had the night before... it's that Tiffany was only backing into the turn around in the driveway! HAH! "Tiffany! Slow down! You're making me nauseous!"
The wedding was a blast. My favorite part was when the best man gave his speech. A teammate of mine (I don't like co-worker. Thanks Doug.) came into my office and asked me if I wrote it for him. "Let's see, Rich and I go way back. We like to hang out a Flannery's. That's where he met Megan. She had a couple of drinks, and Rich got lucky..." Lots of and-um-ahs mixed in as well. Also, the kids where a lot of fun...But having the Old Man in Flan's until 4am was the topper. Or should I say, Sean Connery, as he was referred to. Yeah, it went right to his head...It was funny, since he went up to Flan's as a "supervisor" (his words) and ended up probably needing someone to drive him home. Everybody made it safely though...I've been calling him the "First Mate" since he drank so muhc. Finally, a big thanks goes out to Cricket (or Grasshopper if you are cousin Johnny). She really took care of us at Flan's and stayed open until 4am...
Oh, yeah, I was still in my Tux until 3:15pm that day too....Damn it.
I forgot to mention that he likes Captain Morgan and Diet. A couple of weeks ago he told me that in his 63 years he never knew he could have such a nice friendship with the Captain...Every now and again he puts his left arm up in the air and picks up his right leg...
Someone ate my cake and stole my dice! FESS UP.
I didn't even eat MY cake let alone YOURS.
The image of your dad lifting his leg...seriously. More than I can take. And reading the Doug story is even funnier today than yesterday.
OH! And here's something from yesterday...Julie randomly looking at Alex and saying 'Alex, you really have some nice straight teeth.'
Which is her way of saying he has a nice smile...which of course is great, but she like totally interjected it in the middle of another thought like "Oh, remember blah-blah-blah from last night" "Alex you have great teeth" "And then remember when so-and-so did such-and-such" - seriously...hilarious stuff yesterday recapping the evening.
Jimmer, you missed it...of course, you were off somewhere still wearing your tux.
I wore it until 3:15pm on Sunday...I had to get my $148.95 out of it....Believe it or not I returned it in one piece as well. After sewing two buttons back on though....Cheap Tuxes....The last I heard, Julie hadn't returned Hayden's yet....
Lurkers.....UNITE! It is time to defend our computer rights. If you fellow Lurkers enjoy this site, please say "Hi" to Rebecca and leave your initials (real or fictitious). This will let her know her site is great, but protect our lurking rights. You will keep your sense of lurking pride and at the same time, you will become a charter honorary member of the ULU - the United Lurkers Union.
Hi Rebecca......MLM (Iowa)
Wow, they've already unionized...
God help us all.
I've spawned a union? BRILLIANT!! I would never infringe upon the rights of the lurker...I fully support the lurker and their right to read my posts, laugh/cry/guffaw and not respond. Furthermore I appreciate the time and effort given by the lurkers to lock themselves in a room for 3 days catching up on posts and comments. ;)
The delegate from Iowa has been heard.
QUESTION. What makes my Dad think it’s OK to tell my HUSBAND he should just go out and buy a big screen plasma TV. “You just gotta do it Chris.” WHAT? Seriously DAD, we’re not in the phase of our lives where we can spend SEVERAL thousands of dollars without consulting each other. In fact, if you must know, our threshold is much, much lower. Like $50. And the last time I checked $50 wouldn’t even cover deliver and installation of a fancy-dancy flat screen smockenflocken television. What is it with men and their TVs? What got into my Dad? I’ll tell you what got into him… few scotch and waters and several captain & cokes.
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