So glad that's over! Keeping quiet is not exactly my strong suit.
I think the Jimmer was actually surprised, or he was so drunk from his golf outing that he forgot, one of the two. There were several highlights from the day:
1. Chris yelling at Mike "Mike, Jimmy's here...Jimmy!" and Mike waving Chris over and saying 'Go fuck yourself'. Out of context this doesn't sound nice - in context, completely hilarious.
2. Doug marching out with the American flag wearing a referree shirt- I don't know who goosesteps with the American flag in their hand, but apparently Doug does.
3. The fireworks almost burning down the neighborhood - seeing Rich and his friend run like hell as the rogue firework is blowing up around their feet...I didn't know they could run that fast!
4. Jimmer saying Boooooo to whatever....Hurray beer!
5. Doug invented a new word - ambisextrous. It's the ability to pleasure oneself with either hand. Excellent.
6. Tiffany wearing a Liberty Rec Mariners jersey that I think Jimmer wore when he was in the 7th grade.
7. Watching Tigger "play volleyball" - HA! She was hilarious!!
That's all I got for now...the food was great and we had plenty of it. We had great weather - a great bonfire...I think Jimmer was pretty happy with all of it. What are your fun stories from the party? My brain is fried...
*Please notice the new link on the left. Our best blog friend forever (BBFF) Eileen is officially a celebrity having had her blog coverage of the Kenny Loggins concert published on the News-Review website!! Check it out!
And just when you thought I couldn't get any more insane - please refer to the other new link on the left - - this is a pic of a member of the orange helmet army. Be sure to check out the entire section called "Food on my cat" - some of this is really good stuff.

Seriously....what was i thinking yelling "Shit balls" when i missed the ball and i have a five year-old and an 8 year-old right next to me!
Hope you had a great time Jimmer!
How about the damn neighbor dog. Nice dog but go home.
Not only did he not want to leave the party but he did not want to leave when it was lights out. Damn dog just circled our tent. Then I hear the crackling of a plastic keg cup is his freaking mouth for about an hour. Do this dog does not know how to drop toys. Then he hears another dog in the distant and begins to bark and howl like they are long lost freinds. Go find each other. Nope. I do not think the dog ever slept. Who does not worry about there family dog from 6 in the afternoon till I walk it's happy ass back over at 10 a.m.? Really I mean we use to let our dog run free but what about dinner or a good night hug. Where's the love.
Sorry I have another one...........
The Jbrave cheating, yes that is what I said cheating. Just trying to have some beer drinking fun when Julie offers up a chugging contest. So Bridget and I are like sure we will take you on. Before I could crack my can open she was done. I was suspicion right away. I mean come on she does have experience due to her age but that quick. Sure enough she dumped have her beer out befoer we actually got to the chugging. Not only is she a cheater but and alcohol abuser too.
MEGAN! You are cracking me up today! OMG what a fun time. The beer chugging contest was so sweet! I wanted to tell everyone right after it happened but I just couldn't. :)
Good Times!
By the way, Mom Joy wants to have another kegger real soon. She can't believe she waited so long to purchase her first keg. :)
She can wait 3 years.
Good Times....
Not to toot my own horn or anything but there is something very special about the dicipline needed to go to the extremes of a 40 minute story that means absolutely nothing just to bring it around to an absolutely revolting punchline....
"So, why don't you just come over here and get on your knees and t%tt& F%$# me." Great laughs...ahhhhh
The beer chug was excellent JBrave and eggo there was no way you were "suspicious". I was there and you were too dumb founded by the shear supreme wizardary JBrave illustrated. Boooo Eggooo, Hooray JBrave. It's all in the celebration!!
I am so glad I cleaned the garage - We were in the damn backyard all night! I think the ping pong table is still in the backyard...
Let's do it again on September 2nd. If we need a reason it is the day after my birthday, no need for the surprise though. Although if it makes you feel a greater sense of purpose those of you that know just imagine my best 'O' face "You guys, shucks, you shouldn't have. I don't drink anymore, but I don't drink any less either...."
Reeb - I need a HUG!! It's time.
Well, I would like to once again thank everyone for both thier hard work and the ability to keep a secret. I was shocked, surprised, dumbfounded and impressed all at once. I couldn't even park the minivan (yes that's what I said) so I left it right in the middle of the parking area. For those of you that didn't think I was surprised, do you really think I would roll up blaring Snoop Doggs "Gin and Juice?" I'm pretty sure a "Biotch" was blaring when I came up the driveway.
The other thing that got me was that Julie conspired with my girlfriend. I didn't even know they knew eachother and there she was at the party. Wearing a Detroit jersey none the less. (Boooo Detriot) Then I find out they've been chatting for a week and a half. Although, they did save me the trouble of introducing her to everyone...
Thanks again and I'm with Uncle Dug-o, September 2 sounds good to me. However, I think the excuse should be that it's the day after Chae's birthday...
And two days before Hayden's birthday - because after all, with 2 boys turning 3 that close together - it warrants a keg.
Jimmer - did you get those CDs from your mom's?
Jimmer - now that she knows us - we need to get her on the BLOG!
Loads of fun and great help from Julie, Reba, Amy, Tiff, Kaitlyn, Chris, Kevin, Doug, Mike, Megan, Rich, and anyone else I missed. I literally sat back and let them set-up. Of course I didn't feel guilty 'cause when I would make suggestions, no one listened! Sure, no one listens to Mom! Anyway, I could not have done it completely on my own - THANKS A BUNCH! Double bonus - I finally got the garage and basement cleaned out. Yes, the ping-pong table is still in the back yard - it's going to be awkward to mow around, but it's too heavy for me to move. Would one of you like to take it home?
Keg party on the 2nd - hmmmmm- sound fine FOR CANTON! Your yard may not be as large and I doubt if we could have fireworks, but the house will do. How do you think tents would look in the front yard?
Good fun to see all my children still so close to each other. I must have done something right.
Love you all.
Boooooooo Canton Party!
Hooray Mom's House
Am I spelling Hooray right?
Julie and I actually looked this up...
You can spell it hooray OR hurray - either are acceptable.
But if you're going to spell hurrah - you can only spell it hurrah, not hoorah.
There are, however, hurrahs and hoorays.
I'm dizzy from the hurrah, horray, hoosmockinflockenays.
"Married. Geez!"
Why don't you invent yourself a pair of underpants!
Jimmer's surprise 30th birthday happened??? WHAT??? Jimmer didn't know he was turning 30???!!!!!!!!! Boy better buy a clue!!! heheh HAPPY 30TH Jimmer!!!!!!! You made it.
Today is "day after Six Flags Great America" whew, made it. First coaster for the 7 & 9 year olds and the 38 year old that had to go with them, Great American, yeah, that's right they picked the biggest damn one to go on first, they loved it so much they rode it 3 times, I myself, rode only once. It took 26 years to get up the balls to ride that thing, and they did it on their first coaster EVER!!!! I think I have a rash from the water rides though, yuck
Thanks for the visual Pee. I mean Pea.
I tried this on Friday night. I chased Dever (my cat) around the house with a bunch of black balloons Uncle Jimmy dropped of (they were left over from his birthday). I would throw the balloons at the cat and aim my camera and the cat and fire... no cat, just a bunch of balloons. SHOOT. So then I thought I would sneek up on him... and put a bunch of dixie cups on him. Yeah, not so much... he wanted nothing to do with me and looked back at me as he was climbing the stairs with the, "what the FUCK is going on around here?" face.
Seriously - Julie - you are killing me.
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