Friday, August 11, 2006

Facelift ...

So I was thinking about changing my blog template...

How are you all feeling about this? I thought it might make the entries a little wider and a little shorter - better to see you with, my dear.

Anyway - I'm in pain, but I get to go eat fair food for lunch. You should all know by now how much I love my food from a booth. :) Anyone doing anything fun this weekend? We were going to take the kids to the Lake County Fair on Saturday, but now Alex is going to be gone, so I don't think we will. Unless we go and let him take a friend...there's a thought! He would love that.

The summer is almost gone!


Anonymous said...

Don't remind me about the summer! I'm painfully aware. I can't make up my mind about your bloglift. It's brighter, and I can even read it without my glasses with both eyes - should get my new ones next week. I'm such a creature of habit that change is hard for me. It will grow on me and then I'll be like WOW! This is neat!
I guess it's true about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks.

Anonymous said...

It scared me at first, but I kinda like it. Going to the fair on Saturday/Saturday night, going to let the kids dance away to the Dashboard Divas, then on Monday or Tuesday, it's Six Flags Great America, they have no idea we are going, they are going to poop their pants, Yee hawwww

Rebecca said...

Yeah - the Divas - Betty just reminded me of that at lunch. Maybe we'll see you out there! I think Kat Mat is going, too. Kevin's been complaining about not getting to ride his Harley - maybe I'll send him on his way and Owen and I will come up to see Bets - then he can ride the rides with the kids?? Are you going to let them ride before or after Bets plays?

She said something about you guys going to Six Flags.

Rebecca said...

You can see Betty's band's name on the Lake County Fair website here:
Lake Co. Fair Entertainment

It's very exciting! You should all come out and dance with me and the Pea and the Owie!

Okay, so that was kinda gay.
But apparenly I can't quit rhyming today.

see? I'm not even trying.
Must be the fair food.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,

I will address the look of the blog in a moment.

If Alex is going to be gone, how can he invite a friend to go to the Fair?

Confused, Chesterton, IN

Rebecca said...

Dear Confused in Chesterton...
Oops - you're totally right - I sort of didn't finish my thought there. Him is Owen, not Alex. The conversation in my head was much more clear.

Looks like I need more fair food.

Anonymous said...

I like the new format. It is bright and lively and refreshing. However, I will no longer review the blog in the morning as I am not really ready to be bright, lively or refreshing until after 11am. That's just how I roll. As far as the font size goes, it makes no difference to me. I could read it before, just fine.

Just for the record, you only did four things.

1) You made the title bigger.
2) You moved the links from the right to the left hand column.
3) You changed the color of the title.
4) You made it wider and the font bigger. So I guess that's five but I'm not going to backspace and fix it.

Again, that's how I roll.

Ok, me likey and me have to go.

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing.

Isn't there a way to put our names in capitol letters when it says "the jimmer says...?"

The Jimmer is way cooler than the jimmer...

Anonymous said...

We are going to go about 3 eat, ride, and then catch the Divas, I hope we see you.

Anonymous said...

It's alright. Colors remind me of the South Shore Train.

Jim's SURPRISE party was great!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on that JBrave, it DOES look like the South Shore