My favorite part of Smitty's- right outside the door of the girls' bathroom - there's a sign...it says "To the bar ---------->". Okay...ummmm, you're kidding me right? How wasted do you have to be in small town joint to not be able to find your way back to the bar. I mean, you look to the left, doors to the kitchen. You look to your right...and literally 10 feet away...the BAR. Thank heaven they put that sign there, I NEVER would have found my way back.
Also, loads of entertainment - a chalkboard in the bathroom. These guys at the end of the bar couldn't get over the 3 of us running into the bathroom with our cameras...I guess in hindsight that must look pretty strange. But then again...it's us...and we usually are strange.
I have so much more to say about this night...Jimmer kissing Suzi...and Brad...it was completely healthy. And hilarious. And I have pictures. OH! and somewhere in there I flashed Sheryl's husband, Ray. Also completely healthy. And hilarious...no pictures. I was trying to help him get rid of the image of this "buxom" girl wearing low-riders who bent over -- he got an eyeful of ass-crack. He was in PAIN people and I rushed to his aid. All he got was additional cleavage...it's not like I gave him the full monty. For cripe's sake -- simmer down - I was just trying to give him a better image in his head. She didn't have a muffin-top - I think she ate the muffin man. I'm unclear. It was awful.
In completely different news...you all know that I've been battling my school board with several other militant moms to try and get smaller classroom sizes for our kids. The principal called this morning, and let me tell ya - at 9am, when the phone rings, and your automated attendant says "You have a call from
Jimmer kissing both Suzi and Brad--Weird!! I really hope there was no tongue.
No tongue for either of them. Although, Suzi wanted it....
The Jimmer Strikes Again!
By the by, Rebecca rocked The Smitty's that night. Her rendition of Proud Mary brought the house down. She certainly knows how to work a crowd.
This rain is making me sleepy.
Boob talk is back, eh?
You go girl! Now come and rally for the Duneland Corp. I mean really, my smallest class is 30! And they expect individual attention? Come on! All of us at the sixth grade level at both schools have 30 and up in our classes. The school board and administration only reacts when parents scream. Keep up the good work.
Glad you had a good time and the YaYa's live!
The rain made me stay in bed all day, ahhh that felt good.
Soooooooooo jealous of you getting to stay in bed!
Thanks, Jimmer - it was a good night. I felt particularly rocking. ;)
Rain today makes me want to crawl back into bed and stay there.
Oh Scottish - I blog about them because I have them. You blog about pigs and killing chickens...I can't blog about that.
Is Scott the Chicken Plucker? You know, the guy that was arrested in a Valpo motel for porking chickens...
Listening to G. Love and Special Sauce...Good Stuff.
LOVE G. Love and Special Sauce. its been a number of years since i heard them!
And "Snaps" ENOUGH already about staying in bed all day! so UNFAIR!
Have you heard the G. Love Song, Milk and Cereal ?
Okay, you guys are on some strange musical planet right now. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Opening iTunes and looking up G. Love.
What did you find Rebecca? He does a few songs with Jack Johnson too...
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