I mean, who am I to judge, I forget my purse or my phone or my kids on a regular basis. But seriously, two different shoes. I love it.
I have actually been pretty on top of my game. Proper notes to the teachers, school supplies purchased, homework checked. I am on it, babies! Of course it's only the third day of school for Owen and the first day for Alex, but I am soooooo together. Do not burst my bubble and tell me how it's all going to fall apart. I'm well aware of this. By next week I'll be in fetal position behind my couch rocking back and forth babbling about backpacks and cheese whiz. But now...now I'm BRILLIANT.
WINE TASTING...LOVED it! There were some really great new selections, and I ordered WAAAAAAY too much, but the holidays will be here before you know it and I can give some as gifts.
Today is a free day for me, people...FREE DAY...which means I have nothing planned tonight. Whoo-hoo!!! Well, nothing except for cooking dinner, folding laundry, returning scout phone calls...but nothing that involves leaving the house.
And even though most of you don't know her...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!! That's Luke's mom to some of you. ;) She's a part-time lurker here on the blog - but she's suffering from slow-dial-up syndrome and can't check in always...
HILARIOUS is a understatement. When she was walking on the train I was not sure if she was crying or laughing. I think the shoes are even two different brands. I think one is new balance and one Nike. Juls which one feels better?
I know one of them is part of her lawn care shoes. She's like I mow the lawn in these. I guess that is a benefit to only have 4 pairs of shoes.
I have neva worn two different shoes before.
Julie.....HILARIOUS! I can't even handle it! Own it like you meant to do it
It's really a humbling experience. It's kinda like arriving at work with your shirt on inside out... which I've never done, unlike Megan, but it's different. You can fix your shirt. I don't have any other shoes here.
I'm finally able to look at the shoes on my own feet and NOT laugh. People keep asking me if I did it on purpose. Yum, YEAH--RIGHT!
Seriously, it's not like I'm Jill Fashion QUEEN. How could this be on purpose. I'm a commuter for crying out loud... I have trains to catch, naps to take. It was 5:40AM. What were you doing at 5:40am?
ENJOY my silly mistake. I certainly am.
One New Balance
One Addias
The Adidas has better arch support.
Juls, do you really want to know what I was doing at 5:40am?
I'm in love with italics. Has anybody noticed?
Julie's mistake is exactly why I only have one pair of tennis shoes. It's not like I could put a nike on (the ones with the blue shoelaces that Rebecca says are lame) and then one of my softball spikes...
I'm hungry.
Jimmer - Julie's mistake has nothing to do with you only owning one pair of tennis shoes...
and the one pair you do own ARE lame - seriously...blue laces. I want to post a picture of those and get a blog input on them.
I'm eating McDonald's.
I ate McDonald's too. QP w/chesse, medium fries and a medium coke.
Nice change to the message board.
I love it when you call me Big Poppa!
You like to be called Big Pappa?
Is there something (or better said, someone?) we don't know about?
ROCK ON JEWELS, i currently have you nomentated for What Not To Wear...Like The Tig said own it girl!! I don't know italics like the Jimmer, but I bet he doesn't know Italians like I do...seems to me RapC came to work mismatched, but I can't remember what was mismatched???? Oh yeah, her calves (cleaver remark to get Rap over to my house to kick my ass) and I ate smoked turkey wrapped up on swiss cheese, yogurt and a Diet Dr. Pep
Glad you like the new format...I wasn't sure how I felt about it.
As for me being mismatched...I forget my "real" shoes sometimes and end up wearing green flip-flops with a dress or something gay like that.
I think I wore my shirt inside out once.
Hey Jul - remember last year at the beach, my bathing suit bottoms were on inside out...I had to switch them in the lake...classic.
Pea - I miss you.
Actually, Pea, my girlfriend is Italian....
As far as mismatched, the worst I've been is a black belt with brown pants...
Jimmy has a girlfriend...Jimmy has a girlfriend...Jimmy and Nicole sitting in a tree...
And she's Italian - yet another reason to like her. Brilliant. When is her birthday?
I believe it is June 3.
Rebecca, are you back in elementary school or something?
Thanks Lovey, Miss you too.
Jimmer has a girlfriend
na, na, na, na boo boo
I don't remeber being mismatched but I do remember purchasing a new sweater and wearing it to work, and sitting down in front of an attorney and realizing that stupid clear sticker with the size that runs the whole length of the shirt or pant or whatever, was still on, I LOVE ADVERTISING MY SIZE, YA HOOO
Oh Jimmer - yesterday was a very strange day...
Back in 1992 I was fresh out of college and teaching high school English. If you remember, in 1992 shoulder pads built into outfits were all the rage (at least in Ohio) and I had on some awful blazer with shoulder pads.
One of my 10th grade boys came up and said, "Um, I think something's wrong..." and pointed to my chest. When I looked down, my shoulder pad had broken free and slipped under my chin, giving me a third breast of sorts, a bump under my blouse that was there for who-knows-how-long.
So Julie, I'll take your mis-matched shoes any day. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The world is full of people like us. Walk proud.
Eileen wins!! Great story, but why wouldn't any of the girls say something to you?
Julie, take your shoes off and run around stocking footed! Or bettef yet, tell people that you're being paid to run a comfort test between the two brands.
Sophomore boy, raging hormones, teacher's circus-freak act going on in the breast area. I think it makes sense that he noticed before the girls, don't you?
I probably would have noticed as well.
My little Tina's, I'm bored. We are having Outlook problems at the office and I can't get to my schedule or contacts, or emails for that matter.
Rebecca: Where is today's blog?
Clearly Eileen having three boobs beats me wearing mismatched shoes.
Great story. I'm so glad you shared.
Jim, stop thinking how the world would be better if chics had three boobs. Seriously, arn't you busy filing claims after the storms yeterday?
Actually, I don't think it's been that bad. I haven't had a commercial client call in yet and the personal lines ladies don't seem to be under much stress. I think the brunt of it was in Michigan City, IN ( for the out of towners ) and that area comprises a very small percentage of our overall book of personal lines business.
I wasn't thinking of how the world would be a better place if women were tri-breasted. I've seen Total Recall and didn't think it was that attractive.
Finalizing the car deal tomorrow so I won't be pimping the Mini Van any more.
Bye all my little Tina's.
i was in the horror of a storm that invaded michigan city last night. drove right into it on the way to my grandma's. not only was the hail INSANE but people were stuck in the roads w/ water all the way up to their headlights. we lucked out in that aspect. however, a tornado touched down in my gma's front yard ripping her mother huge pine tree right out of the ground. totally freaky.
Jimmer, this is for you and your boredom on a Thursday and for fun! everyone enjoy!
"I choked on a phone b/c that's how i roll!"
Pea, you're gonna love this!
This is funny - type out the sentence you end up with in the
subject line and forward to your friends.... and also, send it back to the
person that sent it to you.
Pick the month you were born:
January --I kicked
February --I loved
March --I smoked
April --I dry humped
May --I choked on
June --I murdered
July --I did the Macarena with
August --I had lunch with
September --I danced with
October --I sang to
November --I yelled at
December --I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1 -------a birdbath
2 -------a monster
3 -------a phone
4 -------a fork
5 -------a Mexican
6 -------a gangster
7 -------my cell phone
8 -------my dog
9 -------my best friends' boyfriend
10 -------my neighbor
11 -------my science teacher
12 -------a banana
13 -------a fireman
14 -------a stuffed animal
15 -------a goat
16 -------a pickle
17 -------your mom
18 -------a spoon
19 -------myself
20 -------a baseball bat
21 -------a ninja
22 ------- Chuck Norris
23 -------a noodle
24 -------a squirrel
25 -------a football player
26 -------my sister
27 -------my brother
28 -------an ipod
29 -------a permanent marker
30 -------a llama
31 -------A homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White ----------because I'm cool like that
Black----------because that's how I roll.
Pink ----------because I'm NOT a homosexual.
Red ----------because the voices told me to.
Blue ----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green----------because I hate myself.
Purple ----------because I'm cool.
Gray ----------because I was drunk
Yellow ----------becausesomeone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange ----------because I hate my family.
Brown ----------because I was high.
Other ----------because I'm a ninja.
None ----------because I cant control myself
I did the Macarena with my cell phone because I'm cool like that
(my shirt is not really white, well, I am not wearing one, but my sports bra is white, so there you go)
my ex yoga instructor called and wants me to come to yoga class tonight for free, anyone want to go? It's in c.p.
I had lunch with a llama because that's how I roll.
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