Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm going to buy a copy of 'Catcher in the Rye'...

Know what I mean? Good - because then I won't have to go into detail about the old Mel Gibson/Julia Roberts movie 'Conspiracy'.

You'll notice a new link to the right of the blog. Many of you have already probably started rolling your eyes at me (I'm looking at you Julie, Jimmer, Doug...maybe even Tigger and KatMat)...actually everyone I know who reads this blog is probably rolling their eyes at me. Except for maybe Tiffany...and Laura if she's out there and reading.

ANYWAY...I'm more and more bothered by 9.11 and the continuing wars being waged in it's aftermath. And there was a link to this website from Rickey's website and I got curious. And I watched. And I am amazed. There is an article in Maxim magazine on this very subject as well. Kev-head was kind enough to point it out. There is NO WAY the events of 9.11 happened the way they said. There's just no way. Take a trip out to the site, watch a couple of videos...see what you think for yourself. Some of it is a little hyped up for my taste...but the data, and the physics behind what they're saying? Well, that's a little more difficult to swallow.

1. Objects fall through air faster than through concrete - how is it possible that the towers collapsed in 8.4 and 10 seconds respectively? The other floors would have caused resistance which equals TIME.

2. Why did no one cover the other explosions? The explosions in the basement and other floors of the towers? Why would planes crashing into the top of the towers cause explosions in the BASEMENT?

3. Steel doesn't melt at temperatures where people can be seen STANDING where the fires were supposed to be. See the video of the Madrid fire. Burned hotter and longer and was still standing. Days longer. Fires don't burn that hot in minutes. Most of the jet fuel was spent in the initial explosion.

4. Why did they remove the rubble so quickly? Standard investigation practices were not even followed.

5. No commission to investigate for over a year. It's only been a few months since Katrina and we've had SEVERAL commissions on this.

6. Why oh why did NORAD stand down? And WHY was Dick Cheney running NORAD to begin with? (For the first time in the history of NORAD) Go up in a plane and veer off course, see how long it takes YOU to get run down by F-16's. And we're supposed to believe that they never, even after these commercial planes were MISSING for an HOUR, scrambled any jets??

7. Don't even talk to me about building 7.

8. Why did they lie about "not ever being able to fathom that someone would fly planes into a building" when admittedly our own military had been acting out that very scenario for 2 years?

AND last (you've all stopped reading now, haven't you?)

9. The only reason this works is because they are relying on the American people to refuse to believe that their own government would wage war against them for their own gain. Are we really so arrogant to believe we're above it?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Takin' what they're given cuz I'm workin' for a livin'...

PIZZA! I love pizza. Gel's is my current running favorite. When I have any old pizza, I might have a slice or done with it, whatever. When it's good, or even GREAT pizza...I graze and graze and graze and eat pizza and breadsticks and whatever else they have to offer.

My friends Roger and Holly are opening a pizzeria in Demotte. Family Pizza. I am very excited about this. Their comparison for good pizza is Barton's in Highland, which I have never had, but I hear it's excellent. They invited us to their place last night, pre-opening day to get a sneak preview of the pizza to come. It is WAY different than anything else near us and I hope they do well. (So do they!) I loved it. The crust is fantastic and makes an excellent breadstick. The cheese is really great. They've got a cinnamon roll recipe for dessert that they let me try a couple of weeks ago and it is FAB. For some reason, I've got this rep as being a measure for what good food is...I wonder how that happened? HA. No, I think they were just looking for input...and I was happy to give it.

Which brings me to my point. They are putting themselves out there. They are trying to start their own thing, their own business. How scary! And awesome and fun and exciting. They decided their store hours, they can decide to close when they want. They are their own bosses. Right now there's just a 4 person crew, and they've been making complimentary pizzas for all of the businesses in the area to get them on board. GREAT marketing plan if you ask me. They officially open for business at 4pm on Saturday, April if you're ever in Demotte and craving pizza, please give them a try. 987-7472.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This is my life? Really?

I have a half shaved cat and a goat on pepto bismol. Seriously. Couldn't make it up. The two are not related. The incidents that is, not the animals, but the animals are not related either. Just so we don't start questioning what kind of farm I'm running.

Saturday I had to take one of the barn cats to the vet for what I thought looked like a gunshot wound. Turns out some other cat must have ripped the hole into her side. So I have to spray peroxide on it and the vet shaved all of the hair of that side so she couldn't curl hair into it. She's fine. Handy trick I learned from the vet that day? Keep your peroxide in a spray bottle. GENIUS! Have you ever used peroxide and tried to pour it onto a cut? It's a mess. How handy to have it in a spray bottle I picked up from the dollar store for 50 cents. I'm going to keep one in the barn and one in the house. It's a great idea for humans, too!

My goat, the big guy, Coal, is lethargic and not eating. If you know anything about goats, and especially THIS goat, you know this is not normal. I usually can't go anywhere near him without him nibbling my hair, the ties on my hoodie, searching my pockets for treats. Right now he just looks at me. So we called the vet (the food animal vet, not to be confused with my pet animal vet.) And I have to give him shots. 3 of them. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Two doses of antibiotic. The cost for all of these meds? $15. Yeah, you heard me. $15. What does that say about the cost of OUR prescription meds?'s pitiful.

So I gave him the shots last night and there's no improvement. Now he's foaming at the mouth. Goats grind their jaw when they don't feel well, and he's worked himself into a lather. And my stall looks like a vomitorium. The vet said to give him some pepto. There's Alex and I, 8 am, trying to syringe 30 cc's of pepto into a goat's mouth. Now I have a pink foaming goat. Farmers everywhere are laughing at me.

When I get home I have to give him mineral oil. That should be fun. At least I can get out of my work clothes first. Oy.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm crabby and I'm in pain...

Awhile ago my work-wife and I were sitting in my office talking about the latest media abomination, I think it was the husband who killed his wife and baby and fled across the pond. My boss, who is a writer, btw, was talking about how that's not journalism, it's sensationalism or some such thing, and basically that it's crap that we don't need. It is not, in fact, news.

A lot of people put this kind of media under the "we have the right to know, and we should know" type category, including me. But now, a couple of weeks later, I think is that really true? Do I really really need to know about this woman who killed her pastor husband? Is she on a killing rampage? Is she a true threat to society or just, obviously, to her deceased husband? Do I really need to hear day after day after day about all of the senseless acts of violence in this country? What is it accomplishing? Is it motivating anyone to change it? Is it motivating you? Or is it, in fact, glorifying the violence?

Someone please explain to me why I needed to know so many details about the Lacy Peterson murder? And the trial? Why don't I get these same types of details and sensationalism about other murders...people die senselessly every day in this country, how does the media choose which stories they are going to beat us down with? Are we so horrible now that we truly do feed on the sensationalism of a mother who kills her 4 children? Is it limited to family murders and child murders? WHY on EARTH do I want to read about that. How is this benefitting or protecting my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Or society's? What justice moral or otherwise does splashing Lacy Peterson's face on every magazine and newspaper truly serve? Awareness? Of WHAT?!?!?! Awareness that there is domestic violence? Tell me something I don't know. (and I'm not trying to sound unsympathetic when I say that, like it's not terrible and I don't care, I'm just pointing out that I knew about domestic violence BEFORE the media blitz) Awareness that husbands kill their wives? Awareness that Scott Peterson is truly a horrible stark-raving lunatic? Am I supposed to be learning something about this type of person that will what? someday keep me from crossing their path? RIGHT. The answer is it does NOTHING for me, nothing for my life, nothing to keep me safe or warn me about anything. It's not news.

I've stopped reading the paper. I turn on the news in the morning for the weather, traffic and sports updates and then, I'm done with it. I've been done with it for a long time. Are we getting crazier and more violent in this country? I don't think so, I just think that the media is making it more public.

I'm tired. So very tired of hearing all of this. I'm tired of spouses solving their marital problems by killing one another. And my kids overhearing it on the news, or seeing it on the front page of the paper. What are we communicating to our children?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to meeeeee!


Period.Exclamation Point!

Sure birthdays make you older, and that can kind of suck. But it's a day, a day all about ME, and believe me I let everyone know it, and you should too!

Today there is food. Lots and lots of food. This seems to be becoming a theme on my blog. Is it wrong that on more occasion people say "For as much as you eat, you should weigh 900 lbs." Which I guess is true, maybe. I don't think I eat all that much. I'm just constantly doing it. Eating that is. I'm a grazer and proud of it. I will eat all little increments. Metabolism-wise it's the best way to do it. That's why I like festivals so much. Typically the portions you get are by the time you walk to the next booth that interests you, you've already started metabolizing what you've already eaten. It's BRILLIANT. And we all know how I love my food from a booth. The International BBQ Fest is coming before we know it kids...I love Owensboro! Burgoo, Fried Green Tomatoes, grills so big they use MOPS to slap on the BBQ sauce. It's like art. Seriously.

Good food makes me happy...and it's my happy I shall be.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to you...

Let me start by saying I love my mother. I even like her a whole lot. We're friends, we're family, we laugh with and at each other. It's very healthy. And I've always liked her, even in that awkward teenage phase where everything your mother does is horrible and embarrassing, my mother's ability to always laugh at herself first made her hilarious. Dancing at sock hops when she's supposed to be chaperoning, picking flowers at the looney bin during band practice, you name it, she's priceless.


Every mom has their quirky bad habits that make you say "when I grow up, I'm not going to do x, y, z..." or "when I get older I hope I don't have my mom's ________"...we all know how it goes.

And as I'm on the weekend eve of my 35th birthday, I'm taking stock, doing some self-inventory and reviewing myself. Maybe it's just a girl thing? Jimmer, you've got a landmark birthday this year, do men do the same thing? I feel like Kevin took 40 really well. Some minor self-inventory freak out type things but nothing mid-life-crisis-like.

Anyway, my research has revealed one thing: I am "the Janet." In ways I swore I never would be. Ever.

1. Her laugh - my mom loses her eyes when she laughs. Seriously. Only slits. I can't even smile big anymore without losing my eyes. And forget it if I've been drinking...they are gone. And she howls. And she snorts. Things that crack you up about a person as an OBSERVER, but now, it's totally and completely happened to ME. I can remember kids hating it when their mom's had card club at their house because my mom's laugh would keep them awake. Excellent.

2. Hollering at people you don't know in public places - Oh you know the story about me at the taekwondo tournament getting into it with another parent over his 2 year old blowing a WHISTLE throughout the national anthem and the award ceremony? That's good stuff and a classic Janet move. I'd like to think she would have done the same thing. Or how about me GETTING ON THE BUS and reaming the bus driver. Classic. How do my kids tolerate me???

3. Smells making me physically ill - AWESOME! I used to totally make fun of my mother for this one. I honestly used to think she was making it up. Now I don't wear perfume, only use unscented lotions and I have moved across the church in the middle of a service to get away from an overly coiffed woman. I couldn't breathe!

4. Cooking for 900 people - We all know the Janet loves to entertain. Most people have a FEW dishes at a party, not the Janet, and NOT me. The superbowl party? OMG - I guess I went to the store hungry because we had 17 different dishes that day.

5. Always being cold - I used to make fun of my mom for wearing two pairs of socks around the house. And a sweater. I got a good look at myself in the mirror this morning when I woke up (was it really MY idea to hang a full length mirror on the back of my bathroom door? What was I thinking???) I was rocking a brown T-shirt, camel colored cardigan, some black sleep pants and yes, two pairs of socks...PLUS my croc-knocks. My new house shoes (thanks Jul) - I love them. Everyone should have two pairs. At least. Mine are cheap fakes. Julia has the real deal: Love crocs!

6. Back problems - Ah yes. My mom's has always been sciatica. Mine is in my shoulders. I now know what it means to be leveled by such a thing.

7. Making 57 little trips to the grocery store in a week but never one big trip - I have evolved into this. It goes hand in hand with running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. You would think, being so damn busy, that making one trip would make sense, so you're actually, I don't know, PREPARED for the week. But noooooooooo...I actually alternate between the Meijer and the Wiseway so they don't think I'm retarded. I'm so not together that there was one Sunday when I went to the IGA 3 times. In one day. Seriously. It's a PROBLEM.

I could go on and on. These are just the highlights.

Love you mom.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Guilty pleasures...

WARNING...this is not going to be about anything naughty.

Just so we're clear.

I don't really watch reality shows. Really. I don't. I only watched Survivor when someone I knew was on, and he got kicked off in the 3rd ep or something, so I stopped watching. I've never seen Big Brother, only bits and pieces of the Amazing Race.

What I am addicted to is American Idol, and I don't even try to hide it.

What you may not know is that my true guilty pleasure is Project Runway. OH MY GOD. This season was absolutely fab. But it's over, and I thought I was back down to my one, safe reality show addiction. But now? Now that Fashion Week is over? It's proverbial head has been cut off and in it's place has grown...Top Chef! YEAH baby! You thought the fashion industry had divas? These people have more ego than surgeons. (No offense to my surgeon friend, you know I love you, it's just a comparison to, you know, those other guys) And it's a show about FOOD, which we all know is enough to suck me in right there. Bravo got it right with this one, and if you're not watching, you should be.

Which then begs the question, is Iron Chef America considered a 'reality show' - because then I guess that's another guilty pleasure for me.

24 is finally having a good season, the last two sucked ass. Audrey Raines as the mole? Seriously??? Can't wait to see Jack kick her ass. Bring in Agent Johnson baby! And what's with them trying to take out former POTUS's brother?

Grey's Anatomy anyone? I'm all about the Mer & McDreamy love train. And I LOVE Bailey. The writers for the show have a blog, it gives some great inside about the eps and you can find it here. That's how you know you're a truly pathetic washed up life-needing comfort food craving lunatic...when you're not only addicted to the SHOW, but addicted to the blog ABOUT the show. There should be 12 step programs for people like me.

New episode of House next week, finally. Fucking American Idol with it's 2 hours of wasted air. 2 hours for 11 people to sing? It's ridiculous and I like the damn show.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

These are a few of my favorite things...

I get really attached. I mean SUPER attached to restaurants and bars when I love them. Probably because I love to eat...and drink. hee. But a good bartender goes a long way with me. A good bartender is right up there with a good hairdresser and a good doctor. Once you find one, you never want to lose them. My favorite is Allison at the Stork's Nest. Best dirty martini EVER. There is no place I'd rather be on a Thursday night. (Mixed drinks are half-price on Thursdays!) The Stork's Nest just got a write up in the Post Tribune on Friday, you can read it here. I had the best Chicken Risotto (Tigger can vouch for this) and gnocchi there...and the pork stroganoff was to die for. They always have great soup and appetizer specials. The crab cakes are the best.

Also worth mentioning is the Balagio on Broadway in Mville. Julie has been there, even MRA3 has been there, and it's a favorite stop for Tigger and me. The Stoli Noli is a house favorite. Four of those and you'd better have a driver. Hopefully Kev-head and I will perfect making this ourselves over the summer. We frequently get take out from there here at the office. Two people can split one of their lunch specials. YUMM.

Also in my new list of favorites is the latest Mville restaurant opening - Abuelo's. It's kind of upscale Mexican food, and they make their own sangria. Super.fucking.good. Seriously. I could drink it by the carafe if I ever had the time. Right now I've had to settle for SHARING a carafe with the Kev-head and that's just pitiful.

What's your favorite place to eat around the region? I'm going to the good old House of Kobe for my birthday dinner on Sunday night. Dinner AND a show!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My kind of town...

Well, we've always said Chesterton is a vaccuum. That people never really leave. Which we all know isn't true, but yet, it's where a lot of people I care about still are. Or darn close to there. I am a displaced Cheesetown rat, living south of the river (Lord help me). People from Chesterton understand each other, there is an instant connection between all of us. I can't explain it. But here's an example where I'll try.

Most of you reading this know we had MAJOR problems with Owen's teacher at the beginning of the year. I won't go into details here, but you can email me and ask if you like. Anyway, that teacher is no longer teaching, and Owen has a new teacher. Owen LOVES his new teacher. She's young and seems fun and I got to meet her for the first time last Thursday. First I find out she loves Diet Coke. SCORE! Then I find out she graduated from Purdue. SCORE! Then I find out, wait for it, she graduated from good old CHS, class of *cough* 2000. It was like a gift. A little slice of heaven. As soon as we realized we were both CHS grads, she instantly relaxed when talking to me. We talked about CHS, teachers we shared, town know...which do you like better, Flannery's or the Village? Her husband graduated class of '97. (Which at least puts him LESS than a DECADE after me.) A lot of my scouts are in Owen's class, and we were talking about the positive change in our boys since the change in teachers. I said it's because she's from Chesterton. They pointed out that it doesn't win points for me. Hardy-har-har.

My bracket is in the toilet. Seriously. I've never ever done this badly. Someone's DAUGHTER (who is 9, I think) is kicking my ass. It's so very sad. GO FLORIDA.

My birthday weekend is coming up. YAY. My husband and I are going here as my birthday present. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. THANK YOU Julie for the heads up. Did you see that Robert Mondavi wines will be there? Will I ever actually leave that table? Will Kev-head? HA! My wine journal will be FULL after that night. I'll have to bring two!

Friday, March 17, 2006

What does your birthday mean and other useless crap...

So Julie forwarded me this from Doug:
Birthday Link

Here's what mine says:
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.
Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone
Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge
Your power color: Cobalt blue
Your power symbol: Dove
Your power month: September

A dove? A dove??? is that a POWER symbol. Me, meditating? Puh-lease. If I meditate I'll fall asleep because that's what happens if I sit too long. Of course, if you ask Kev-head, I'm always sleeping and sitting too long. So from now on, I'm going to CALL it meditating and tell him to suck it. HA!

It's St. Patrick's Day - a day for all good people to come together and drink green beer (and apparently shit green for days according to someone who reads this blog). Corned beef and cabbage, mmmmmmm. I won't be doing any of these things. Me? I'll be sleeping in a tent, in a hallway of a middle school, with the cub scouts. Now that's good times right there. You people don't know what you're missing. Yelling, screaming, little boys doing stupid things, not listening, and me wishing I were somewhere else. Hell, it IS just the same as if I went out for St. Patrick's Day!

Tiff wants me to talk about sex and religion. I'm sure that day will come,'ll just have to keep checking in.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD BLAKE ROBERT CANADAY!!! I am an aunt once more. 9 lbs. 4oz, born yesterday around noon. (I got the information from Kev-head...I didn't get the exact time, sorry). Mother and baby are doing great. I haven't met him yet, but I'll try to get a photo out there next week.

I KNEW I hated Jessica fucking Simpson. HUGE Bush fan? Get over yourself...she's lucky she knows what year it is. Suck it, Jessica. (and your little dog, too) Maybe if Ann Coulter had asked her...I'm just sayin'...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

And now one for the gentleman...

MARCH MADNESS IS HERE!!! Next to the Oscars and the Globes (award show junkies can I get a hell yeah!), this could be my favorite time of year. Seriously. I've entered a pool and once again I'll have my ass handed to me. The first round is my favorite because I sometimes look like I know what I'm doing and can taunt the other people that it's my year and I'm taking the whole thing. But then the second round comes and I got nuthin.

Soooooo, who do ya got? Kev-head has a Duke/Conn final game. *buzzzz* No way. Two number one seeds going all the way? I don't see it, but stranger things have happened. The correct answer is 'Who are Iowa and Florida.' Yeah, that's right, I said it...IOWA. Joy should be happy with that one. They are so up and down, but if they get on a roll, they could do great things.

I'm giving the Big 10 a lot of props this year putting IU, Illinois, Iowa and Michigan State in the Sweet 16. A girl can dream, right?

Once again I have Pitt going far, last year they let me down. But this year they're seniors and it could be VERY exciting for my birth city post Superbowl.

Look out for UAB, folks...

And I'm very sad that my girl Melissa is O-U-T out. But I was glad that Ace the pansy was in the bottom three. How long can Chicken Little continue to mesmerize America? He's one dance move away from being William Hung.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Shoes, not diamonds, are a girl's best friend...

I'm going to lose my male readership (short-lived as it was) with this post, but here goes...

Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I'm a shoe-a-holic. I love shoes. I love looking at shoes, talking about shoes, shopping for shoes, thinking about looking and shopping for shoes. When I turned 30, I made a conscious effort to be a 'girl.' Some of you might think that the boobs should have clued me in a long time ago, but the truth is I've never been a girly girl, and never been good at TRYING to be a girly girl. But then I turned 30. And I realized I'm not a girl, I'm a woman. I can wear heels with jeans and red lipstick and lots of fun jewelry and change my handbag every day if I want. This is what A LOT of women do. And I like that stuff (*gasp*). Who knew?

Which brings me back to shoes. To talk to my husband, you would think I had 50 pairs. Let me assure you, I do not. (seriously, honey, I don't) I've discovered I love heels. And I do not, under any circumstances (despite what Betty and Kathy say) wear uncomfortable shoes. I don't believe in it. Say hello to my little friend:Bandolinos meet everyone and everyone please meet my new Bandolinos. I bought them off of ebay for $22 with shipping. A steal! (Honey, don't be mad, it's my birthday month...between your comment on my blog and these's the happiest birthday month EVER) But they sent me navy, not black. A slight pout, but once I put them on? Hello, lover...I will never take you off.

What's your super-secret or maybe not so super-secret addiction? Spill the beans, it's confession time.

Side note...My man Taylor is the man to beat on idol! Well, Taylor and Chris (who is smoking hot no matter what my husband says) and Eliot - did the girls even sing last night??? It's all about the boys on AI this year!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I give up

So I set this up over a year ago, and this is my first post. I think I'm finally pissed off enough to have something to say. It's going to sound like whining, I'm warning you all in advance. For those of you who know me, you're going to tell me to shut the fuck up, and that's fine. For those of you who don't, I'm usually not a whining little pansy, but here goes.

I got sucked in. Again.

I used to sing with a band. This band. And I used to think I actually rocked a little bit. It was a great time. Then we decided to build a house, and playing every night of every weekend just wasn't conducive to my sanity. So now I just sit in with them every once in a great while and do karaoke every once in a great while to get my singing fix. That and singing my brains out in my car while I drive all over holy hell

So last year I was singing karaoke at the Village and the waitress said there's a contest you should get into, you'll kill 'em. $2K top prize. Hello Cancun!!!! Long story short, I barely made it in and didn't win a dime. It cost us more in food and booze between the Kev-head (my husband for those new to the game) and me. Great, Christina Aguilera singing guy wins $400, me zippo. Fine, whatever.

I got over it after a few weeks (read "months") and my ego took a huge hit.

I was truly over it until Friday, when Laura called and said "Auditions for Season 2 of Rockstar are happening at the Elboroom, you should go. I'll go if you go." Long story short, Laura didn't go, Julie was going to go but I called her off, and then I went anyway by myself and had a BLAST. 5 hours on a sidewalk in the Chicago sunshine and met some really great peeps. (Special shout to Scott & Melissa from WV and Jimmy from Indy) I got 20 seconds to do my thing a cappella, and well, I guess I didn't wow them because I got no phone call on Sunday. Boo friggin' hoo. It's 20 seconds...I was over it. Right? Riiiiiiight. I'm still beating myself up for song choice and then for picking the wrong part of the song. That should be over by say, the end of summer.

But I saw Lee Couch in line, an old Cheestown mate, graduated with my sister...and HE said "If you don't get in, go to this pub in Lafayette, they are holding auditions there, too. If you go Monday night, they can qualify you for the CBS taping they are doing there on Sunday" WHAT? Sing more than 20 seconds? Redemption is MINE!!!

Except it wasn't.

They chose 6. I'm not even close, bud. I got beat by the hometown faves. With Lafayette radio and TV judges. I lost before I hit the door. I'm not kidding. 2 of the 6 that made it were actually entertaining. One sang Land of fucking Confusion. Are you fucking kidding me???? 3 of the 6 sang in the last group to go, although they were all there way before the rest of us, and we performed in the order we signed in, which one would assume is the order we ARRIVED. Padding your faves for the end much? It didn't help that a hometown girl sang the same song as I did. She didn't get picked either, which is good, because that would have KILLED me. One guy came up from Terre Haute and killed with Bon Jovi, he made it...the only non-Lafayette guy to do so.

So it leaves me to wonder, are my friends humoring me? Am I just so mediocre I should never sing outside my car again?

And in the same breath I contemplate advertising that a chick singer is looking for a band...

I'm truly messed up.