Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ba-na-na-na-na-na You say it's your's my birthday, too, yeah!


Ah yes - it's the young Kathy's birthday. Which means it was the G-meister's birthday yesterday. Hooray G! Hooray Kathy! Hooray birthdays! Hooray eating thai food! Hooray cake from Beck's!

Boooooo working on rainy gloomy days.

I have actually had so many blogging topics in my head these days ... and right now I cannot think of one of them. My brain is on overloaded lately. So much going on, so much to remember...and every now and then I'll say something funny and think "that would be AWESOME for the blog!" You guys would laugh, and make funny responses and I would laugh. It would be such great blogging fun! And then. Then I put my hands on the keyboard and phhhhhht. nuthin. I can't remember a damn thing. Like Julie and I had quite a funny conversation on the phone last night. I can't remember what it was about, but I remember that I had her cracking up. And I remember something at somepoint during that conversation might have been blogworthy. What is this mystery subject? The world may never know. Because after that conversation abruptly ended with my battery dying and Julie talking to dead air, I had to go to the store and buy pet food and other misc. groceries, pick up food at KFC for Kev-head and Owie (they are addicted to the bowls)...find Owen's missing football helmet...get home, check the mail, check homework, watch Rockstar and fall asleep on the couch.

Maybe I need to carry around a little notebook. Maybe I need a little tape recorder that I can walk around and talk into to remind myself of blog topics and funny anecdotes. Like blog dictation. Blogtation we'll call it. BRILLIANT.

I would like to get on my soapbox for one itty-bitty minute here. Email hoaxes people. Seriously. Look them up before you forward them. No, they're not publishing your cell phone to telemarketers. No, you are not going to die from rat urine on your coke cans. Your not going to make thousands of dollars from Microsoft or AOL for forwarding emails. Say that to yourself out loud. Bill Gates is going to pay you to forward an email. You're fucking kidding me, right? There are no needles anywhere and you're not going to die heating up water for your morning tea. The mulch at home depot doesn't contain killer termites. There are several, SEVERAL sites out there that do nothing but dispell these stupid urban legends. In the time you added names in the "to" of your email forward, you could have run a simple google search for the subject line of that email and found out it's a farse and been done with it. Please. Begging you.


Anonymous said...

Rebecca, you're too young for CRS - Can't Remember Shit!
Oh, and it's Holly Anton's birthday, too. Should be about now. If anyone has heard, let me know!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kathy!!!! (i want thai food) Eat extra for me and reminisce about me in the kitchen!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kitty Kat, you can eat my share of Tai food.

Now, you may not be able to purchase mulch at Home Depot that contains Killer Termites but, you can buy a cabinet that is chuck full of cocaine.

Rebecca said...

I can't argue with the truth!

Anonymous said...

How did this go from termites to cocaine? Pea, are you rolling around neked in your stash?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm eagerly anticipating thai food today...yummy.

You know, Rebecca, if you had the tv cameras following you around like I think they should, you could just look at your old footage and remember your blog topics. Just a thought.

Bill Gates won't pay me for forwarding emails? What if I send it to 20 of my closest friends and family? How about then?

Anonymous said...

No, that would be wasteful, but there was a new story recently that a builder picked up his cabinets and there was cocaine in it, it was used to smugle it in, from where I don't know, but yeah, the builder was surprised.

I got 20 dollars from Bill Gates, but it wasn't for forwarding emails, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Pea, how much would you charge me ?

Anonymous said...

Another interesting artist:

Hayseed Dixie

They do mostly covers of other music but turn it into Blue Grass. Lots of AC/DC and then I found a few Snoop Dog songs. It's funny listening to them sing Gin and Juice from a country aspect.

Later, off to a golf outing!

Anonymous said...

i think pea and jimmer should have their own blog and talk about nakedness all day long

heh heh. hi pea, miss you!

Anonymous said...

Ah, that 20 bucks was back in the day my friend.

Gutter minds I tell you, gutter minds.

Hey Tig, miss you too, miss everyone. Nekedness gets boring after a while

Anonymous said...

I freaken LOVE practice week for the Gary Air Show, FAN FUCKING TASTIC, the Thunderbirds just did two fly bys over our house, sounded like, well, THE FUCKING THURNDERBIRDS FLYING OVER YOUR HOUSE, not one, not two, not even three, but SIX of the mf ers

Anonymous said...

Just a quick post to let you know I survived Registration Day 2006, an all-day extravaganza of weird parents and untold numbers of "The apple doesn't fall far..." mumblings under my breath.

We all survived and the kids start back Tuesday. And I was not impeached as the president of the PTA. Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday Kathy!

Rebecca said...

Eileen - congratulations! That is no small feat - I totally appreciate "the apple doesn't fall far from..." comments. South of the river, it's bad pickins.

Kathy - once again, you are soooooo right. Cameras SHOULD be following me. But not tonight. Tonight is bowling night. And what happens at bowling night stays at bowling night.

Neked Pea - I miss you horrible.

Anonymous said...

Pea, you'd really would love the T-birds if you met some of the guys in the cockpits. I think it's the flying at umpteen G's, day in day out, that produce those sharp jawlines and flat stomachs.

Anonymous said...

Well Colleen, I entered to win a flight, but I have not received the call yet, so perhaps I will meet one of them some other time. I think you have to have a flat stomach to fit into that F-16 so perhaps it is for the best, I might not fit!!!!!!!!

and Rebecca did I read that right, Neked Pea I miss you horrible, OR, Neked Pea you look horrible?


Rebecca said...

Oh for the love, nitwit.

mmmmmm, pilots with flat stomachs. *and visions of top guns danced in their heads...*

Anonymous said...

O.k. Ice Man, you can knock it off. ALL military men have flat stomachs in my mind, except when I go to my family reunion and see all the career military men, they don't!!!!!!!!!!