Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hair appointment? What's that crazy talk??

So it's Tuesday, July 17th. Lucky for me I keep this blog...I can look back to the exact date I had my hair done. Ummmmm, yeah it was 3.5 months ago. THREE AND A HALF MONTHS. My birthday week of beauty...that's when it was...I've aged a whole quarter of a year since I last saw my stylist. My grays are showing, my split ends are hideous and I don't even think I HAVE a style anymore. This is what my busy ass little league season has done to me. Bullshit, that's what it is!

I can't get in to see her until next Saturday...I'm so sad. That will be the day before I go on fabulous beach vacation, so I guess that's good. But until then, I have to look like...this. Oy.

Speaking of hair - Carol called me this weekend - she thinks she's getting some peach fuzz on her head. This is very exciting!!

Scott says my blog is making him tired...well, lemme tell y'all, I'm keeping this schedule and it's making me tired, too.

My husband finally asked me last night...hey - you made the bed this morning? Ummmm, yeah. Why? Because I'm tired of not having any covers. I've been doing it for the last 5 days. Really? Oh, I just noticed.

Oh snap. Seriously? Did you notice I've been keeping the kitchen clean and that there's food in the house and I finished all the laundry? ALL OF THE THINGS THAT YOU'VE BEEN BITCHING ABOUT FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS??? For the love...

And on a not-so-funny-yet-informational-note - I think we're infesting Highland with kittens. We had 5 kittens in June. For the last few days there's only been 2. Now we're down to 1. Why? Well, they've apparently found a new home. In Kevin's truck. And this morning we know for a fact that the kitten made it all the way to Highland, UNDER the truck. Because when he got to work, he heard meowing. And then they saw her. So Alex put on some gloves to retrieve her (these kittens are feral anyway, and now she's totally freaked by a 1 hour road trip) - but he dropped her, and she ran off. There's no getting this one back. She's gone (sing it with me Hall & Oates...)

So for those of you (ahem, Jen...Julie...) who like to make fun of me for having too many cats? I'm down to 6, one of which isn't even MINE...it just adopted us. 5 cats, 1 kitten, which is perfectly reasonable with 10 acres of land. So there.


Anonymous said...

you really should consider getting all of your cats (male and female) fixed, this world is way to overpopulated with feral cats...you know how I feel, and don't come back to me with this "but it's a farm" shit, doesn't matter, and you are not going to sell me on that "it is o.k." stuff, I get the Independent Cat Society newsletter and fucking cry every time

Rebecca said...

Honestly, Pea - Scott just read me the riot act as well - it's not because it's a farm that it's okay...we lose as many cats as we gain, not because they run away, but because they die. Killed on the road, killed by other animals...and every time I put money into a cat? It dies. And at $50/cat for shots and fixing? I've spent well over $500 fixing animals over the first couple of years we lived there. It's only been the last two that I have done nothing.

And if I had fixed my cats the year before? I'd have no cats now and a house full of mice.

Kevin has a confirmed visual on the orange kitten that got transplanted to Highland today. He put food out there for it - I'm not sure what we'll do. Maybe I'll go out there and try to catch it and bring it home, since it's sticking around.

And also, for the record - this is the first litter of feral cats ever. I've never seen anything like it. And to my knowledge the first time we've ever had a cat hitch a ride to Highland. Every other litter has just hung out at the house/in the barn and are lovable as can be - they never leave. Until they die...which in our case seems to happen a lot. But I guess the odds are in our favor.

My cats are always well cared for and fed and other than the dogs chasing them have it pretty good. And then there were 6.

Anonymous said...

Good for Scott, perhaps between him and I, we can show you the light...you can take the cats to the neauter scooter, they will fix em and tatoo em, and ship em out same day for a low low price...If all your cats die, then go get some from the cat society or the shelter, don't breed more, just don't...I know your cats are well cared for and did not want to imply that they were not, however, one female and the one litter can breed millions of cats, and the Highland cat? what if Kev can't get it, then it is on it's own to be hit by a car, tourtured by some son of a bitch, starve, get all kinds of diseases, and breed, but I doubt very much it will find a loving home, that rarley happens unless it crosses my path, oy

Anonymous said...

A white kitten showed up at my sister's house, which is, I believe, pretty close to you. She's pretty sure that someone dumped a litter and the one that made it to her house is the only one that the coyote she heard making chase didn't eat. I'm a big, big fan of the neuter scooter.

Rebecca said...

I'm a huge fan of the neuter scooter - and I've done it - but even that is $40 per cat (if you pay in advance, and $50 the day of..which is of course what I did) plus the waiting in line, which the last time I did it was 2 hours.

Dumping a litter - I think that's how I got the one cat that isn't mine. It just showed up. The coyotes are horrible around us - this is why I lose so many cats. I hear them howling close by, the next day, I'm short a couple of felines.

Kathy said...

I'm with the pea and robinson and scott on this one.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Rebecca said...

Okay all my little Bob Barkers...let's remember, I am not actually overpopulating anything. I'm just not reducing the population of the shelter. There is a difference here.

And as for the kitten in Highland - that is not a result of me not fixing my cats either. Any cat, even one that I picked up from the shelter, just as easily could have ended up hitching a ride to Highland, too, and be picked up by horrible people. That is not the result of me not fixing my cats - that is the result of having outdoor cats.

I used to fix my cats. I got burned...one summer - 3 times I brought nicely fixed cats home from the neuter scooter, and all three times those cats were killed within one week. So I basically ate $150 inside 3 months. It left a foul taste in my mouth...

Now that I have a more reasonable number to deal with, I'll see what I can do.

Be done with this.

Anonymous said...

Pea went Bob Barker on you!

Anonymous said...

the Highland cat is not a result, yes, you are correct, but having a a non-fixed cat escape while on your watch is a problem, now it can go breed and breed, and breed...and this is not the first time we have had this conversation, you knew what would happen with this issue with me, didn't ya??? Now, perhaps you should consider having one fixed cat in the house, one with short hair so the boys won't bug out on you, and that's cat job will be to kill the mice. Once all the barn cats are gone, have it stay that way, no more outside cats for the coyotes...Just remember, I love you, however, there is nothing, I mean nothing you could present that will make me shut up about this. Also, you have been jinked by me in your previous blog, yet, you have called me twice, and I have not given you the o.k. to talk, hummmm, not following the rules here.

Rebecca said...

Damn you Pea for calling me out on the jinx! You're right, of course, on all topics...except, you know I can't not talk...and I especially can't not talk to you...so what do I have to do to break the jinx?

No way inside cats - I would if I could...but Kev-head is desperately allergic. I would also have my dogs inside if I could, especially Joe - he would make a great inside dog - but that's a no go either. Not so much because of Owen - he really doesn't have pet allergies unless he's already reacting to something else, then a dog or cat might make him worse (at least that's what the allergist said, I've never seen it happen) - but Kev-head -he's a hot mess.

But we all knew that, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

O.K. Un-Jinx

Anonymous said...

Why do people use the term "Fixed?" It's not like they're broken.

Anonymous said...

If a cat is not fixed, yes, it is broken, Jimmer