Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy happy happy birthday....

It's Julia Goolia's birthday, y'all - give it up!!
36 years young and ab fab...

Tonight will be birthday celebrations...hoooray beer!

It's Friday the 13th...are you scared? Are ya? ARE YA?? You know me - killers and all - once it gets dark I'll be scared. But Julie will protect me from Jason (jasonjasonjasonjasonkillkillkillkill).

Lemme bitch about a couple of things.
One - Alex, conveniently enough for all the working moms out there, has soccer practice from 2-4 Tues-Thurs. 2-4. TWO UNTIL FOUR. It's light out until 9pm...we can't have an evening practice? Not once? Gah! I'm making this happen with the help of my hubby, but c'mon people. I guess they just assume that at the high school level, most of the kids are driving themselves? And then next week, they are scrimmaging against Crown Point. At least that's at 5pm.

Two - One of the kids at practice yesterday did drive a blue corvette. A BLUE CORVETTE. I still have never driven a corvette in my lifetime, and this kid is driving one to soccer practice.

Three - Buying books for private school SUCKS ASS. Because, apparently, and I didn't know this, there is no book RENTAL like public school. You actually buy them. $510 for the year. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Seriously, kill me now. I figure I'll also have $200 out in uniforms and shoes. GAH!

Four - I guess I'm just bitching about Andrean, aren't I?

Five - Football starts in less than a month. We just got the email about weigh-ins...August 18th - first game is August 26th. I cannot believe I'm already putting football dates on my calendar. There is a camp at the high school next week - 3 nights, 2 hours per night. So I guess there is no break after baseball....


Anonymous said...

Wow! I've been out of comission for awhile. Eileen's husband has FREAKISHLY long legs....Rebecca...REBECCA is not only GROCERY SHOPPING IN BULK, but she is cooking and freezing ahead of time?!?! Rebecca?
And friggin Andrean kids....OF COURSE one of them is driving a blue corvette to soccer practice. It's like a whole 90210 different world with those kids.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!! Wait...I mean, "Happy Birthday Dawg". Hope you have a fabulous one!! Beers soon....I'm no longer a giant impregnated person!!
Pea, I miss you....MWAH!!!

Anonymous said...

You've never serenaded me for my birthday. I'm hurt.

Kathy said...

Hey, I'm an Andrean kid and I drove a beat up Buick with no heat. Not all of us were rolling in dough. But, I had a friend with a Porsche that he drove to school and I was always jealous of the girl who got a new BMW every year...some of them are living a very different life than the rest of us.
Happy Birthday Julie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Julie!!!!! YEAH

O.k. you spolied kids out there, I rode the freaking bus to school until the day I graduated, No beat up buick with no heat, no corvett, no porsche, nuttin, just the bright yellow bus, and the short one at that and, and, I licked the windows

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking up at Pea licking the windows. No car for me until college, and it was a Chevette, that I ... wait ... leased for five years! Can we say idiot?

And Rebecca, Corvettes are SOOOO yesterday. I think of 38-special songs every time I pass one. Alex will be way cooler pulling up in his Gremlin/Pinto/Tracer mobile in a few years.

Rebecca said...

I KNOW, Tig - I didn't think it was possible, didja? HA!

Scott - you're right, I didn't. I apologize. Scott's b-day was July 3rd, everyone - and while he worked here and wanted his birthday ignored by everyone, apparently now that he's far enough away I should mention it in the blogosphere. :)

Pea - I had no car. I had to hitch a ride with Julie.

Eileen - Corvettes make you think of .38 special? I loved .38 special!! I would sooooo drive a Corvette right now. Everything old is new again.