Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The little orange cat that could...

So - here's a continuation of the cat story - the orange cat has been caught - apparently after riding to Munster and back in someone else's vehicle frame...and someone in Kev-head's office took her home. So orange cat now lives in Demotte.

AND she's letting people pet her. All the time. Loves people apparently. So I guess it's just ME she didn't like - when she clawed and bit the hell out of my finger.



Anonymous said...

I bet the under-the-car ride changed her personality.

We could make t-shirts ...

"Life's to short not to get pet!"

Rebecca said...

not to get pet? or not to get petted?


Anonymous said...

Life's to short not to pet your pussy

Rebecca said...

Seriously? Kevin???

Kathy said...

Kev-head, Can we at least use the word "too" correctly if we are going to start being vulgar. I think you are too hilarious by the way. What was the melon joke again?

Rebecca said...

It's cantaloupe..."Can't elope tonight, dad's got the car."

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, you do have a tasty finger though.

P.S. That was the proper usuage of "to," right mom (Joy)?

P.S.S. Are you sure that was Kevin and not some perv? (although, they could be one in the same. He's the only guy I know that has a masterbatorium...)

Rebecca said...

Apparently I do, Jimmer, because she bit it more than once! Mean as a snake that little orange tabby was, and now she's perfectly content with her new owners. What the shit?

And it should have been "Life's too short not wasn't the second one, it was the first one.

And I suppose it could have been any perv from the gen pop, but it reeked of my husband. I haven't asked him, though...

Anonymous said...

o.k. Rebecca, you have called me out on the "to" issue too many times, you should know, I will let Kev off the hook, it was not him

Rebecca said...
