Friday, July 20, 2007

People are strange...

when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly
when you're alone...

OMG. So - there's a girl that works here - a mean, unhappy, hateful little thing. Like seriously mean, unhappy and hateful. You all know the kind. Well this little nugget of an employee put in her two weeks notice a couple of days ago. No one is sad to see her go. Good riddance.

Usually she putters around the office, never says hi to anyone, not even in passing. But since she put in her notice, she's the happiest thing ever. Giggling, chatting, saying hi to everyone as she passes by. Unbelievable. But today? Today takes the cake. She's wearing a lei around her neck, and a little cone-shaped party hat on her head. A children's party cap, y'all. I'm not even making this up. So someone asked her if it's her birthday. She said "No, I'm just celebrating...I'm so happy!" Well squee! for you. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? She's wearing a lei and party cap. If no one liked her before, we definitely don't like her now. Even the people who do talk to her here? They're flabbergasted. It is the most unprofessional immature thing I've ever seen.

Someone else asked "Did the firm impose the dunce cap or is this a personal choice?" LOVE that thought process. I gave that person a gold star. Literally. She's now wearing a gold star on her sweatshirt.

So it begs the question - does she really think that a new job is going to make her a happier person? Other people have left here - and I was sad to see them go. But ultimately their new jobs/life experiences are so much better for them, as people, and I truly believe they are happier now that they've left the firm. Job happy. Not life happy - they were already perfectly balanced, happy individuals and having job satisfaction has made them so much more so. It's brilliant. But this person? No way. No way she just walks into a new office and what? Changes everything about herself to make her a happy person? Never.gonna.happen.

I once said about this person that she should stop working in office settings altogether, that she should seriously consider working somewhere that involves no people. At all. I think I mentioned working in a county park sitting in a booth by herself. I don't know, ask Tigger - that's who I said it to and it almost made her pee herself. And you guys know me...I like EVERYONE!

Oh shit, I think I've done serious damage to my karma now - I'll have to do something nice for someone else to make up for it. But not her. I refuse to be nice to her. Ever.

*ETA: Ding-dong the witch is dead. Her big plan was to go to lunch and not come back. Instead she told her super she was leaving and not coming back, and that was that. I've never deleted accounts so fast in my life.


Anonymous said...

That party cap can also be found in a photo on her desk, of her cat wearing it...wild!!!

Anyway, goodbye and good luck, she was always friendly with me, but our conversations were kept so superficial, and I did not have to work with her.

Peeps are strange, I can't and will never figure it out, but then, I can be strange also.

And yes, jobs can affect your everyday attitude, but unless you are a grounded person to begin with, your job will never make you happy, and in this case, the gound is so far from her it is scary

Anonymous said...

On that karma thing... you did do something nice! You gave a co-worker a gold star. You're covered, Rebecca.

And for the next few days I'll be doing serious duty on the wine drinking New Year's resolution front.

I'm headed to Vegas for four days with nine other ladies - two are friends and the others, soon to be friends. I'll think about y'all while we're imbibing our way up and down The Strip.

Rebecca said...

I've been drinking white wine lately - not red. I can't do reds much in the summer. Too heavy. Too warm.

Have a blast in Vegas - I've never been, but I have hopes to someday go!

Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation, Rebecca. Will you be able to blog during it? I know it's not a high priority for a vacation but like to know if I should check the blog.
As for you party employee, sounds like she hated her job - and people, too.

Rebecca said...

Vacay doesn't start until next Sunday - and I don't know if I'll be able to blog or not. Last year she only had dial-up available...maybe there will be a coffee-house around with wi-fi and I'll sneak one in...we'll see.

Suzi/Elizabeth whichever one works said...

Why do I still not know ANYTHING about the vacation??? And what about our YA-YA vacation...lets all plan here!!!!!!!!